Saturday, December 29, 2007
COFFEE aroma.every night I smelt coffee frm my neighbour.
no wonder coffee can make a person fully awake.
there're couples of times when im getting to sleep and
that freak sudd turn on the music blast..
or play with his guitar..
or sing his self-composed songs?
or smoke o_0
and making hell-lotsa noise.
and his pet CAT always sleep @ my shoe rack outside ma house.
and its white furr can be seen clearly on ma black slipper.
and I have probia wearing that slipper again 0_o..
cuz im afraid of catss.
and that morning when im going to school..
the cat urinated outside ma home.
wad an inconsiderate fella.
how ii wished he & his family can move out real soon(:
My brother has
fallen sick :/and as a sister myself..
ii did not do much.
other than putting the towel soaked with ice-water to subside the fever.
he's just way too stubborn to visit the doctor.
GET WELL SOON BROthese days had not been doing much.
other than spring cleaning.
and visiting night safari @ 11pM.
(the christmas decor dere is really niccceee!)
white bright lights filled in the air.
catching up with my sleep as well :D
so shiok larrs..
I think I'd been transformed into a stay @ home freak.
ytd & today
lingx and mc asked me whether wanna go out chat nort..
say ard 7 pM..
ii told them ii wanna watched teevee. :S
gort license + no car= USELESS!boredom. music right now~
byes ;^*
10:34 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Next stop- Coffee princeI'd finished watching 公主小妹 .. :D
The show is pretty touching and awesome !!
theres a part II coming up ii suppose??
now gonna watched coffee prince..
FYI; it's starring on ch U 10pm next mon..
do catch it yeah ! if you can rem..
dunno why im sooo in love wif korean and taiwan drama..
verii touching man...
unlike those in singapore :X
the storyline is totally diff..
Ever since dunno when i'd been watching ch U..
and simply lost touch with local shows :(
4 more days..
and we'll welcome 2008.
time really flies man!
and for 1 looonng year did ii accomplish anyth great?
If only time can stop...
next year im gonna achieve more.
hols ending soon;
so make full use of the last dec hols. :D
im OFF. goodbyes((:
12:05 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas !!!
UK must be snowing right now.
to my beloved uncle..
merry christmas to you! (:
since young I'd been asking myself..why there aint any snow in singapore :(lol.anyway here's..
wishing my family and friends..
merry christmas...
have a
great week ahead (:
thanks for those
lovely greetings, msges and all..
ytd got a
lovely soft toy dog .. :D
BUT my brother got a PSP slim sial.
white color somemore...
verii chio larrs
not fair. :(
but he gave me his
im off now.
12:10 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I had passed!!!!!!!!!
like finally okies??!?!?!
the other day was out wif lingx and I told her..
hey friday my test liao lei..
how sial??
she told me..
no matter what you must pass..
and get your license at 9teen..
ytd ii called her...
and told her this piece of gd news..
she's happy for me as well..
Had my driving test ytd.
time was 11 45am..
the feeling was indescrible...
verii nervous &
shaking away :/
that night olso cant sleep well...
Anyway it went on smoothly..
during the test ii was like..
still nervous larrs...
when the tester sitting bside me...
but after awhile ok liao..
then circuit no mistakes made :D
when going out that time ..
ii prayed hard is e bukit batok rd...
cuz teck whye route veryy SUX!!
then after driving for awhile ii told myself...
sure can pass de la..
the test took abt 30 mins..
then after e test go back e tester office..
by then e rest had completed theirs as well..
i still remember vividly what he'd told me;
perception is very important...
then he said you'd passed..
iim relieved.
of cos ; happpyyy !!
then rushed off to watch a video clip..
after that I get to know this JC girl as well..
she's rather friendly..
so chatted wif her whilst we're waiting for our turn..
spent 50 bucks on e driving license :/
but still it's the best christmas gift this yr :D
till then,..
wishing everyone merry christmas and happy new yr 08!
9:15 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Shopping for christmas gifts wif Lingx!
reached hm @ 12 aM..
gonna slp nw
goodnights world.
1:42 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

yesterday+ today was a busy day
my 1st chistmas gift frm singtel..
new phone.
samsung - L760..
im still figuring out how to use & what functions they hav3..lols.
there're msges which ii haven reply yet..
but one thing im gonna try ..
video call..
wanna see how it works actually..
so who's using 3G phone ??!?!
let's video callll :D
reached lavender @ 10am..
darn crowded ok?
went to collect my passport..
in other words..
my passport is ready for collection..
then waited for a long 1hr and plus..
alot of people man!
and im alone somemore -.-
this shows how time passes..
then rushed off to teck whye for lunch wif her..
and cabbed to bbdc.
cab fares increases le..
by .30 :(
daddy drove us to Ghim Moh for supper...
from Night safari to NUH to ghim moh..
the road is pretty quiet though..
The place sell gr8 food..
SATAY!!! ketupak!!! yummmmm~
bought some snacks home!
this hols gonna put on weight!!!!!
(i haven go swimming) :(
anyway just reached hM not long ago..
today afta PT went lynette's hse..
afta that headed to bugis !!
boarded a bus..
and the bus was freaking slow OK!?!!
@ bus-stop met some weirdos!
some weirdos maddies guy!
then v 2 act like nothing happen...
pretend we didnt hear..
then e insane fellow go pester a malay boy..
and asked him for cigarettes.. -.-
anyway bus came and we boarded..
the journey was kinda long ..
but saw many cute children,...
we shopped the whole of bugis street ok..
so squeezy and crowed..
and super humid...
tried a dress..
kinda retro..
but neva buy...
(cuz too exp le :D)
bugis street to parco bugis.. and back to bugis village..
had our dinner @ QQ house!
nice omelette rice they sold there.. :)
decided to watch Alvin and the chipmunks..
but the timing aint right..
so decided to catch it @ cwp cathay.
then boarded bus back to cwp..
went to find PX.
she's working there..
then she sneaked out and v headed to gelare..
HALF PRICE !!!! wheeee.........
and we lepak awhile until she knocked off!!
havent watch the movie yet!!
perhaps i'll watch it soon !
today received a christmas gift from someone..
*huggs* ((:
and so..
goodnights world.
im off!
11:59 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007

School holidays are here !
Yesterday was the last day of school
YIPEEE! yipee yar yar.
like finally okies?
most of my friends will be flying off tmr morning..
one of them was in the states now..
only myself..
stuck in this small island.
waiting for my passport to be ready for collection..
thus bidding ma classmates GD-byes.
i said see all next year OKIES.
then jeslyn was lyk..
next yr sounds quite wrong..
is like very long..
but actually is onli 3 wks..
but still i'b seeing them again on 7JAN2008
and OFF for fun!
4 of us spent the whole evening @ cwp.
she bought me my christmas gift.
*big HUG:)*
(asked me to choose myself.)
festive season is here again!
did I mention golden compass was nice too!
go watch it; if you havent done so (:
I miss those days when im still a young girl.
we'b playing musical chairs and eating turkey and all with my cuzs..
exchanging of presents (my beloved) hehe..
sad to say..
now no more le..
now i'b celebrating with my friends.
(but still i prefer hanging out with frens to relatives)
afta that headed to hello store..
cuz singtel mailed me this letter..
can xchage for a free 3G phone..
but mux upgrade to 2 yr plan..
its a gd deal.. isnt it? why not??!
then was my turn le..
then sudd the dude said sorry!
your MOTHER gotta be here..
cuz here stated no full rights for you! ..
cuz you're under 21. !
then i was like.. !
ohhh WHAT?!?!.. darn suay lars.
tonight going with mom.
here I come...!
well anyway;
next week gonna be a busy week.
1 wk of driving lessonsssss
then going lynette's hse afta my lesson.
perhaps to swim or watching dvds..
Initially heading to seoul garden for lunch..
but she's full larr..
thus v3 headed to pizza hut.
afta eating we sat there chatting and laughing like nobody business
making hell loads of noises!
im starving right now!off for foods!
(mom's cooking..yummm)
10:42 AM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
SHOPPING@AMK HUBYesterday went shopping with the mother and sister.
spent the whole afternoon shopping around the mall.
Finally bought something for myself (:
lazy to blog.
im off for movies...
10:03 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Screwed up ma
MCBUT today.
3 reasons;cant finish. things ii wanna write ii dunno hwo to phrase it. and misinterept of Qs.
kiss my 20 marks goodbyes.
im gonna flunk for sure ( unless theres moderation) !
Finally formed ma
FYP team-mates le..
and Email the fac as well.
Talking abt MY school,
ii realised my school is so small;
unlike the other 4 POLYS. (esp SP/NP)
reason is..
ii kept bumping into people ii HATE to SEE.
ex boyf included.
some arrogant attitude BUNCH.
and when ii see them, i dont care either.
i just walked past them showing my DAO LOOK.
at least euu should go reflect in the mirror.
so attitude for wad?!?!
should at least put on a smile wad :D
or you dont know how to smile??
need me to teach euu?
this is courtesy!
and some petty girl out there.
today euu walked past me like complete strangers.
I did not do anyth to euu even and euu treat me lidat!
you think you're so well liked by others.
the answer is NO!OOOOO!O!
been hearing gossips abt you ALOT!!
and SAD TO SAY those gossips are the ones which will break your heart when euu hear it :(
anyway pls stop raining for god sake.
im gonna go sun tanning tmr early morning!
it'd been like 5687056939 days since ii went tanning.
and ii really MISS the SUN pretty much.
DAD fetched me home today.
for the 1st time since sem starts.
knowing that he'd sent sis to woodlands interchge and
ii asked him to fetched me home as it's just a 5 mins drive.
RP is so near to wdlands int la. (:
isnt it dad??
and its been raining cats and dogs..
dont want to get myself wet as ii dint carry any umbrella even though
MOM always reminds me to bring ..
bought dinner over to grandma's place..
and ii realised it'd been ages since i visited her.
im glad i see her today. !
and she bought a new plant and placed it @ the balcony in her kitchen..
pretty pretty. (:
gonna reply his message right now.
9:09 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
not only myself;
even those in ma class olso say..
hey wanna
PON not?!
seriously nearing the end of the month
people are in holiday mood...
class is boring as usual..
but i so much love
LAB la..
hehe :D
later gott test afta sch :/
wasted time.
if not can go home sleep..
FYI, it's pouring outside..
that makes everyone wanna sleep !!!
pls pls pls!
esp wed. :)
gonna watched movie afta sch.
wanna watched enchanted; golden compass; horror etc
that day watched hitman movie.
not bad!
the male lead looks cool in suit.
and the inside jokes tht we're talking abt.. (barcode)
and did you guys catch the news on ytd
zouk out party?those pictures is a total
turned on man !
get a copy of newpaper if you havent buy one copy yet :D
im OFF.
my teacher is looking @ me.
3:06 PM
Sunday, December 09, 2007

RAINY SUNDAY. (recalling those days @ upper thomson)
Past few days the weather darn shiok larrs
Nearing the end of the year,
it's expected to have this kinda weather;
don;t you think so?!!
this season, there'b christmas..
PARTY. (i like)
i'll be exchanging presents wif HER.
and I've yet to shop for those gifts.
my present for this christmas will be..
a driving license.
will it come true for me?
anyone wanna go SHOPPING with me?
im gonna shop during the sch hols
shop till ii dropped :/
ytd stayed @ home the whole day.
though lynette asked me out..
but im too lazy to go out
asked her over to my place..
yet she dont want..
so cant be blame. lols.
then did some skipping @ home.
next helping my mom do chores.
those listed below:
hanging out clothes..
bring it in ( i'd purely forgotten; cuz im in my room listening to songs and nvr heard any raindrops sound..)
when ii saw it, its too late.. the clothes which were dry by then, were wet again!!
fold the clothes
Iron those clothes
washed the dishes
fed those fishes.
tidied my wardrope. (so neat now*grins*)
tidied my room.
cleared away those trashes..
At the end of the day..
im so proud of myself ; for once im so energetic
(grining frm ear to ear)
one thing i've yet to do..
mail the letter!
Anyway gonna go study now!!
For immunology and molecular cell biology test.
anyth SMS ME will do! thanks!
ohh yeahh.. if you're bored today or nowhere to go..perhaps
you can try watching romantic princess;公主小妹
realllyyy AWESOME (got shuai2 wu zun and pretty angela)
9:20 AM
Friday, December 07, 2007

This ROSE is a blessing for your sis ! (:
One of my girls will be flying off tmr :'(
for her sis's wedding which was located @ some part of the world.
and she'b back on 6th JAN 2008.
that was a day before sch starts!
so i guess i wont be seeing her for 1 month or soo..
Bon voyage yeah.. and do miss me ! LOLS.
even though euu invited me to your sis wedding..
but ii guess ii wont be there.. so wishing your sis the very best at her next stage of life (:
just wanna say.. i'b waiting for your return..(:
im off. byess.
7:38 PM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
I love thursday class,..
reason is rather simple.
cuz ii GET TO see people who ii like..
cuz they always change class everyday :(
we get to meet on thursday only..
today myself and beverly were singing some songs along e corridor near e lift area..
when smth funny happened..
FUNN! (:
OPPZ. people had been
staring @ my laptop screen for like 56783390 times.
even mommy did that!
what is wrong huh??
someone confessed to me the other day!OPPZ. :x (someone frm sports IG.)
he said he likes me.
cuz "i find you sweet, friendly & nice;"
but still..
ii wanna say..
thanks for
concerning abt me;thanks for
offering to buy food for me even though im nort hungry;
thanks for
cheering me up when im sad;
thanks for
making me smile with all your lame jokes;
thanks for
sharing with me all your secrets & hidden secrets;
thanks for
asking me out;thanks for
asking to go school together;
thanks for been so
gentlemen!!even though you asked me to give you a chance..
but ..
im feeling REALLY REALLLYYY cold right now!COLD RAINY DEC..
guess i'b sleeping well tonite..
feeling rather slpy n tired..
ytd chatted wif lynette for lyk 1 hrs 40 mins 13 secs.
when mom walked past my room..
i just pretend to be sleeping!
chatted until my ear gonna dropped soon..
anyway the sister did soft rebonding ytd..
and when she came home..
ii kept playing with her hair...
you can go touch larrs...
darn soft + silky + straight..
im gonna do my hair soon.
i cant stand the dryness due to the perming.
needa some treatment!!!
and i swear i wont perm my hair anymore..
ii still prefer my BOB hairstyle :D
guess i'b doing smth to shut my eyes now..
goodnights everyone (:
8:04 PM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
relieved right now
this morning woke up smth BAD happened to me..
dunno why sudd blackout...
then panic like siao...
scare will miss my
PP which was @ 9am sharp.
then my mind was in a mess..
keep thinking what to do??
if ii miss my pp will fail le..
*pray hard*
then i went back to sleep till 7 30am..
faster go shower and headed to sch..
supposed to be meeting him @ rpc.
but ii was late.. ( stupid slow bus*)
then ying jie came...
chatted awhile bus came le...
headed straight to agora hall 3.
kinda like an exhibition hall
then was searching for my name..
cannot find sial..
then approached anoher republican for help..
and we began our conversation
she asked me wad ii did?
ii told her prison service..
and she said OHH COOL LEI..
kinda unqiue..
ex genetics faci was late as usual..
then the indian faci asked me to start presenting..
asked like
437823049021 questions larr..
only 1 question he asked not really impress him :'(
when presenting that time...
quite ok la..
people from opposite booths kept looking
*feeling pai seh*
each booth got frens whom ii know..
so not really that nervous :)
and sasha was same booth as me!! ((:
then going to
10am and more friends came and asked how was it..
ii said okok lo.
asked them dun be nervous..
and do their best !!!
finally it's over :D
should ii skipped sch tmr??that day skipped class wif lynette and ken..
we watched hitman show @ cwp.
then huimin sudd called me..
ken go di-siao
then ken di-siao said im not xue li...
i found this hp in sch and now im gonna sell it tp 2nd hand shop.
huimin belived his crapsss LA..
then she faster called e rest to inform them
next moment calls kept flooding in..
heard tht whole class go searched for my phone..
worse still; meiying wanna report to police sial.
its like so exaggerating lor.
pai sehx la..
when ii arrived class for ut..
they asked your hp lost ar?
then my frens frm engineering block olso noes.
ALL IS KEN's FAULT.ytd @ lab he still got the cheek to ask..
your frens got say anyth ma..
thinking back..
tht day darn hilarious la..
hols coming..
thinking wanna plan class outing ma..
now is raining...
Lynette is
bugging me to chat with her.
im off for now...
11:01 AM
Monday, December 03, 2007

the time now is 12 35 AM.
I'd to wake up in like 6 hrs tiiMe;
today whole day @ town.
went to scape park wif my girls.
for the walkathon!
went cine for some foods b4 heading for the walk..
was at the lift area when ii saw my cuz..
him looking stunned when he saw me..
ii olso cannt believe i'll saw him there..
wad a small world man..
he's wiif his stead..
then he happened to know one of my girls :D
along the way saw many people.
some from RP,
and theres GAY!
guys behaving homosexually.
cant stand it.
and when stella claimed hey see guy who wore a short that looked so much like a boxer.
he looked like gay leh!
then his friend admit..
yes; we're gay!
they even waved at us
er xin larrs.
along the way was wearing this tank top from NUM.
actually the walk is on preventing aids.
walking along orchard road..
one big crowd la..
then most passer-by kept reading the words on our tee.
got this ang moh shouted..
free sex !
after the talk got goodies..
a small box wif 3 condoms.
and a pair of shade from verve.
then we're making fun of stella :D
giving away all the condoms to her..
*hidden secrets*
then she said..
ii want got smell one la.
when ii reached home..
ii shown mommy the box of condoms.
and she said why you have all this..
then i said jokingly..
im selling condoms , mom!
dont ever have sex until you're married OK :D
im here to protest/BAN pre-marital sex.
dont ever land yourself in deep soup..
thinking abt it..
i'd quite a couple of friends who aint a virgin anymore..
few days ago saw a girl who happen to be my bro's fren sis..
she's onli 19.,,,
and she's pregnant now !! :(
and her BF is like some chao ah beng.
and its kinda sad to hear abt it..
ask yourself this..
how will your parents feel...?
and YOU yourslf...?
For me, 19 is still very young larr..
if you want me to become a mother at 19..
ii dun think ii can larrs..
i'll cry for sure !!!
i've many things i'd not accomplish yet.
some may said now is already wad century le,.
yeahh its true..
but still...
im not gonna hurt my parents this way !! :)
I really hate those guys who seem to go ard asking girls for sex.
and when they made the girl pregnant; they dont want to be held responsible..
read alot of those stories.. and i really pity the plight of these girls..
such guys should not exist in this world !
fuck those despo(s); fuck their rotten LJ.
anyway. love doesnt need to have sex only..
think twice yeahh :D
was so surprised when lynn told me she went for the standard chartered marathon run..
she ran 10 KM in like 1 hrs 40 mins..
pro sial..
for god sake.. its 10 kM..
4 times 2.4kM..
and she won a medal :D
im gonna take part next year !!!
I told her the most ii ran is 3.6km..
and im off for now.
gonna have my beauty sleep liao.. :D
12:31 AM
Saturday, December 01, 2007

UT manage to do most of the qus.
though my stupid laptop hang quite a couple of minutes :/
though I did not really study.
*pray hard I score well*
The ultimate challenge was held ytd at 6pm..
everything ended by 10pM..
after UT they came over and we headed straight to randy's hostel.
left our belongings dere and headed to agora south for registration..
along the way met many familiar faces !! HAH.
most peepz stared @ our relay tee.
then theres this team who clad in e malay traditional costume larr..
darn hilarious as it seemm..
everyone who saw them surely will end out LAUGHING-OUT-LOUD!
neeedless to say;
im one of those.
this year theres this catergory..
team with best dressed outfit..
funniest and wackiest pose..
thinking back 1 year ago..
i also joined this wif ex-w25j-ers.
hmmm comparing last yr to this year..
i still prefer last year..
find it MORE FUN!
and more friends joined..
but sadly this year only 4 of us :(
last min aidi and gang back out?
i suppose? WHY? WHY?WHY? lol.
didnt saw them..
though they attended last week's briefing.
but one thing i did yesterday.
first time in rp.
when we arrived @ the rock climbing area..
steven briefed us what are we suppose to do?
and he said 1 needs to a belayer..
another 3 went up..
i volunteered to be e abseiler.
i climbed fifth storey up..
seemed scary..
it was 18METRES high larrs.
finally ii reached the top lvl.
the person briefed me..
by then.
randy came up and told me all those colours im supposed to rem..
when ii reached e first lvl;
ii must tell the belayer.
and so...
its time to walk one by one dwn the wall..
when ii looked down ..
ii can feel like...
kinda scare ?
and im afraid i'll fall n die. (LOL)
finally ii reached e ground save n sound.
teammates complimented me:)
next we headed to sports complex..
tried games which I did not have a chance to try out last week..
and use e ball to hit those stick down..
In total we tried out games like..
netball,volleyball, badminton,high-jump,soccer,archery,rock-climbing,
canoeing,dragonboating,bowling,judo,floorball,biking and another 1..
theres still more we haven try out..
cuz of the waiting time we;d spent..
we completed by 19 57pm..
then they made an announcement saying we're left wif 3 mins..
next year try again!(: (last chance to join le 3':)
we returned our score sheet @ B1.
and off we went to 2nd lvl..
buffets... and fruits.. *drooling*
we're starving by then... :S
while eating..
the competiton on which faci won began...
everyone gathered at the swimming pool waiting area
and making alot of noise!
got this fac v funny..
use poster-paints to paint a bikini..
darn funny la..
then he and another fac quite close to the ending line..
then ppl shouted..
DUA-NEH-BU! (big breast) ......DUA-NEH-BU!
sometimes poly life seem fun..
with challenges or all sort of stuff to join..
tomorrow my girls and me will be heading to scape park
for a walk on... stopping aids.
anyone of you will be going??
theres free NUM tee as well.
hint * (newurbanmale tee)
saying abt freebies;
ytd UTC goodies are like.. 2 balls( 1 for playing;another for stress-relief), skipping ropes, towel, small pounch and the landyard thingy.. (all sponsored by adidas)
I haven print out the form to make my passport :(
stupid booklink so many ppl..
my poster have yet to print as well :x
Ms song saw me at w4 ytd..
and she asked whether Im interested to do servicing learning @ cambodia..
it's in feb..
during the sch hols.. and after cny. (:
she also asked me to asked those whom I know abt this trip ..
she's the in charge anyway !!
so calling for all republicans out there who has a kind S2..
willing to spend 14 days overseas.
interested in sl? @ cambodia?
i dunno which part of cambodia..
cos she haven send me e e-mail..
so yeah..
more details will come later on .. :)
In the mean-time, those who're interested ,
perhaps you might want to leave me your email,msn or contacts :D
ytd eventia saw me outside e toilet and asked..
hey that time say want go eat suchi until now still haven go??!!
then ii like..
huh really?!??!
my life is like. a big mess.
promises which I'd made just slipped off ma mind . :(
promise to discuss it wif steven ASAP [;
suppose to go sentosa today.
the weather like cloudy.
gonna rain or wad $!*@_)@#@)(*#@(&$ nvm. change plan..
going swimming instead
@ woodsvale
Jas, you wanna join me?
if you're reading this.! (:
8:52 AM