Friday, November 30, 2007

Ultimate team challenge wiif her lata...
support racers yeahh `
im off..
Jia you for UT!!
11:27 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Problem 10 already..
10 weeks had past..
and I've yet to skip a single class!
which means ii can PON any 2 weeks.
6 more weeks to go..
and semesterTWO is over!!!
Last night watched news..
about the 5 rowers who lost their lives while competitng in cambodia..
and 'm quite affected by what I'd heard and saw..
this shows that life is unpredictable
wad a pity..
most of them are recent graduates..
HOT! 'd promising future..and now..hope the family can be strong!!!
really wondered how the boat overturned?
cuz seemed like those boat is superbly hard
and it wont overturned easily!?!?!
kinda bored now.
phone had been vibrating non-stop.
lynette complained..
waiting for my lien liong PAO. PAO!
*waiting for jesslyn to b back* :D
In the meantime,
I'll just rot in class.
Im off. TATA! (:
9:07 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I'm so
PROUD of myself.
Firstly I completed my poster in like 5 hours.
however theres still some touching up or so?
I'm the first to present
but still;
hope everything turn out smoothly :)
*pray hard*
Well now gonna go out for dinner
family gathering
great foods coming up... ! RAWRRRR!
6:49 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007


i like their backyard :D
Aint much people online now. :/ looking @ the time.
still early. EARLY s;
chatting with one of ma scotland frens (above)
singapore time: 847am
scotland time: 12 47am
He's doing fine. and Im doing fine too!
HAHA! *grins*
whenever Im chatting with him;
I'b thinking of ma uncle in UK.
misses the times when I received his email
that he'b flying back to spore to visit US.
then I'll burst into laughter and ran ard my house.
and the times @ the airport bidding goodbyes.
tears welling up our eyes.
one day I shall fly over to his place @ isle of dogs.
FYI; 8 months of working life will be ending today.
today will be my last day @ work.
past few days many people had been asking me.
when is your last day?
:) do drop by yeah :D one last time.
even noe some of you drop by every sat.. *HUGS*
no more working on sat le.. which means...
you guys needa come find me anymore.. :D
really tired. TIRED! even my body couldnt take it anymore 3;
I need a BREAK.
Even mommy respect my decision !! *smiles*
so right at this moment; i'll just give tutoring to kids :D isnt that gr8?
flexible timing n more $_$ LOLS.
gotta go prepare ma stuffs le.. TATA! (:
8:36 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Next friday will be the
Ultimate Team Rebublic Challenge 07 ..
I remember vividly I took part last year (:
the fun we'd-w25j peepz.
This year I'b joining again!
there's rock climbing this year!! hoorrraaaayyyyy`
p/s: however there's anatomy and physiology test on that very day! so suay!!! S:
After dinner just now, something cheered me on..
Ohhh mg. 3 more weeks to sch hols.
time flies! realllyyyy`
gonna be in yearTHREE in abt FIVEmonths tiMe (:
Before that, im gonna renew my passport real soon! I SWEAR!
Just that there aint any time spare for me !!! NO TIME!!!!
gonna spent another 70bucks!
fuck.ARGHHHH! XUE LI is penniless now! 3:
Im coming m'sia.
m'sia truly asia.HAHA!
Just pray hard I 'm safe and wont get into trouble..
or worse still
ROBBERY!im afraid of many stuffs. Like robbery.fights.rapes.splashes acid on your face!
kinnaped etc. arghh! guess I'm thinking too much :/
Next will be heading to batam; I suppose?
I want karting at batam!
Oh well..
here are the
important dates !! see im so busy! :/
30nov07* Ultimate challenge
3dec07* Genetics test
5dec07* Poster presentation
10dec07*Immunology test 3:
11dec07*MCB tect
15dec07*last day of sch (wheeeee)
加油! 加油! 加油!
XUE LI! :D ♥
7:32 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I like it when the wind blew onto my face..jpg)
Xue Li loves perfume(:
the color of the word seems unique (:Just some random pictures for today's entry. It seems like the pictures are in my desktop for quite sometime. Thus wanna get rid of those pic ; soon :D
counting down.. one more week and I'll get my pay for tutoring. XOXO!
Somehow had been working for months and the amount in my bank doesnt seem to be increasing. :/
Instead it's decreasing. ):
perhaps I should start saving up for vacation sake.
Well.. gonna start doing my pp poster alr.
see ya dudes!
p/s: swimming anyone? :D
10:22 AM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
NICE? hees.
Been doing my blog since 9pm can? hahs. thanks WQ for his help as well (:
IT expert DOES help sometimes *hees*
typical schoolday. busy with school! many events coming up & ; which im looking forward to(:reached school and someone told me something shocking.HEY PP date is out alr..ii was like * HUH!!! REALLY?!* Lol.seriously ii haven even start doing my poster design.. but after checking realised that my presentation is two weeks frm now. HENG SIAL! guess tmr i'll start doing it !
Went for UTC briefing today. saw few w25j peepz. I arrived earlier wif my contenders and somehow JT, aidy and louis came after e briefing had started. The room is in complete darkness. JT did not see me at first.. he happened to sit behind me. Then I heard him telling aidy, I think XUE LI should be in this room as well.. then ii turned back and said HI.. and I did I did scare him outta his life! HAH!
anyway looking forward to compete wif them on 30NOV07.
this year there's this competition, funniest and wakiest pose.
after school lynette came to my place for dinner!
thus when we're walking halfway, we saw the 169 bus came.. and we ran like hell larrs
like 2 siao-char-bor running for their life
and we got weird stares in the bus!
who cares anyway :D
after dinner watched Hey gorgeous.. mom recorded it..
lucky she did..
cuz it was on final..
gusti got into top3.. nt bad !! :D
Im tired.guess im sleeping now!goodnights(:
11:11 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
U.Test grade out le..
quite satisfied..
and shocking.
it motivates me to work even harder (:
Today afta sch asked em..
whatz their dreams and ambitions.
most of them told me..
they gonna go Uni after poly..
ii do agree wiif em too!
they shared this too..
'studying is easier than working but studying well is harder than working..'
quite true rite?!
really dunno which pathway to choose sial.
if possible ii wish to go uni olso..
get into a Local Uni.---> NUS.
do ma parents proud!
guess ii might be dreaming bahz.
today someone sent me a belated gift
@ my doorstep.
a pair of heels.
thanks babe (:
tmr ish peixuam prom !!..
hope she can be pretty pretty orhhx..
hoping yuexia don't be so stress bahz..
:D wishing Lingx HAPPY sweet twenty.hees.
and.....hoping i'll get ma driving license soon.:Dguess im off.TATA!
8:27 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
School has since started since monday!really tired!!dunno why olso..haiis..hectic lifestyle.must chiong to do poster olso..stress :/HAHHAAS!mommy aint working today.and i'd no schoolHAHA!shiok..:Dii MISS you ALOT! do you? hope you///re doing fine(:gotta go give tution lia0s..TATA!
12:07 PM
Friday, November 09, 2007
Pictures tiiMe... :D.jpg)
10:37 AM
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
About an hour more and I will turn 9teen..
lao liao... :S
So tired!
Yesterday and today went out..
until very tired :D
they went to celebrate ma burday for me..
thanks loads;D
yesterday went siloso beach,,
played volleyball ..
then halfway 3 republicans joined us cuz they frm afar saw us ..
then asked can join us play or not..
then we said anyth lor..
then olso played frisbee..
played until ard 2 plus..
then went shower.... shiok!
later went sakae sushi @ harbourfront !!
eating halfway they all wished me..
and gave me ma prezzie..
ermm a top from topshop..
jacket from Fox..
jennifer Lopez perfume..
movie treat @ cine..
fta tht went vivo walked walked..
so the top lvl dere view scenery..
verii niiCe..
while waiting for hui min..
we roamed ard vivo!
then went the puppies shop view pups..
so cute larrs..
ii like the tshi tze..
and the poodle..
so CUTE!
IF only ma parents allow....
thanks people..
Anqi,Beverly,Chin thai,Lynette,huimin,Jasmine,Jimmy,Joel,Joshuae,Lingx,Lynn,Marvin,MeiYing,Misty,shu cheng,syaz,fatima,shafeeka,simonne,Stella,vivian,wei Qiang,Yue Xia,Zhifeng ... and some others who wishes me as well!
well today went drivin sch..
afta like 1 mth plus :S
renew PDL.
the queue super long larrs :/
then went book lesson tht time ..
then sudd farhan called me..
ii quite stunned larrs..
nvr expect to see hiiM dere..
afta tht went 2meet lynette, joel, ethan ..
we went cine watched game plan..
not bad sial..
the movie very funny plus touching ..
afta movie slack ard..
headed to paragon for eye brow trimming..
lynnette did french manicure..
verii nicce..
ii wanna do olso..
but ii trim ma nails le :/
wait till my nails grow back again..
hmmmmniway..a big thank euu to all..:Dand happy birthday to myself (:
11:02 PM
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Yesterday boss msg me..her msg is @%#@*#@( !your sales is TERRIBLE!do put in effort and capture all the sales.. Thank you.HAH.ii very stress de lor.wiif your hit onli 82 !bad then scold me..if good dun see euu compliment me.#^#@*$%@@#**&!gort many times ii gort hit your expected target olso nvr see a word of compliment from euu !then ii msg-ed her said ii work till end of this month.then she asked WHY? asked me called jen and tell her regarding tis.ii msg-ed jen..said ii wanna resign!jen said cuz of boss sms?ii said NOOOO!cuz at e same time ii olso very BUSY!giving tution to 2 students...:Stutoring 1 hr is 16 bucks.working at ur shop 1 hr is 4 buck ONLY.which is a better choice?HAH.if can ii wanna tell her 4 times euu know?ii told jen ii prefer ma tutoring job as TIME IS MORE FLEXIBLE AND PAY IS HIGHER!she said she respect ma decision.seriously your tis job pay is so long hours.most people asked me why worked 4 bucks pay..poly students should be ard 6 bucks lor.and sat.ii quit SLC cuz of tiis job..have to sarcrifice so many things.frens asked me go out..ii olso reject em..saiid ii need to work.but then.. today jen called me..
said she hoped ii continue to work wif her..
asked me to re-consider again..
ii dunno if like very easy lidat...people dont wanna buy olso cant force them de right..people come in see those things so exp..sure will walk out wad?!?!?as if do business very easy lidat!@^*&#(@#)#@~then euu open tat 3 shops alr closed down lerr!left tiis shop onli.lynnette said..they said soo easy asked them put themselves in our shoe lorHAH.YA LOR.TALK VERY EASY WAD.:Dii olso can talk..many things to think!i really dunno lei.haiis...then mc came just nw..he bought me blueberry waffle :D*hugs*he just got discharged last week.anyway, school hols are here!wheeeenext week is fully planned :Das usual..BUSY!last but not least im turing 9teen on wed :Dohh..ii wanna try the flying trapeze @ siloso beach :D
7:54 PM