Thursday, August 30, 2007
1 WEEK of School holidays had past..
counting and I'm left wif 14 day or so :(
time flies.!
anyway sch hols seem fine to me?
get to sleep..
watching vcds...
while eating cookies.
sentosa on wed is sucha disappointment.
we reached dere and it's like RAINING!
and we took the tram ride standing
cuz the seat was like totally wet..
was waiting for the rain to stop..
but it seem heavier and heavier.. :/
and we had no choice but to leave.
headed to vivo for our lunch at Kim Gary..
they served yummy french toast wif peanuts spread..
and went shopping spree again!
finally bought a pair of converse shoe which ii long for..
and the person who served me somehow has a bad attitude :S
and ii asked hiiM whether ii can chge the pair of shoe to another color ..
and he straight away said CANT!
and ii showed him the reciept stating it can be chged withing 7 DAYS!
this time he told me CAN!
it must be in good conditions.
wad a stupid guy he is!
a guy wif bad attitudeS :S
tomorrow gonna return back to secondary sch ..
after so many years..
ii guess e last time was when collecting o's result.
well afta tht gonna catch a movie wif her..
ratatouille ?
im off right now.!
10:58 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Wednesday was meant for driving lessons!HAH`met louis and JT @ the traffic police counterwad a coincidence.and they're wearing the ultimate challenge tee.HAHAi should ve worn tht too :(then chatted wif em a while..cuz JT was applying for his PDL.After tht we went to print our slip..cuz lesson start @ 12 05 pM..then JT kept scanning his IC but no slip came outLOL.then he went to check his slot online...and was tmr lesson 12 05pM..then we 2 kept laughing at him sial:Xoppx.cuz he mistook today is 23rd.ok nvm.blur arrhhx.monday last stage le..WOOHOO!and ii really dislike today's instructor..where got instructor sleep sial.gonna complain..LOL.he asked me to write feedback form..but ii dun dare write he sleeping during training lesson :/ii told mama and she was like.. this kind of instructor.... !nvm.. afta that met may and misty @ JE station.Johnathan and her bf joined us as well :Dand I've sponsor frm someone :Dnot bad not bad!we headed to JE shopping mall for our lunch before heading to science centre..quite fun sial.stayed till 6pm??then left le..lepak..before heading back hM..tmr last day of sch..HAHAvery happy.ermm :DAfter about 7 days of disappearance..,ii went back to sch ytd mornin.and some actually stunned.where you went?hey, you came..LOLand ii somehow realised ii quite long neva been to sch le :(however only 10 people turned up for class ytd.the lowest ever.anyways,uncle gonna return frm United Kingdom next month.well..looking forward to seeing hiiM ((:and class chalet is gonna b next month too!dunno whether ii can make it not ?!?!thts abt it..TATA!
9:10 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
SUNDAY!AGAIN!hmmmmmmim bored.past few dayswatched rush hour 3trainingworkingshoppingslackingfrenz's house..laughterswalkathons!HAHAHAS..........!1 more week to hols..WOOT!tired! yawns*
11:46 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007

Less than half e class turned up today..
when ii actually IM May how many actually turned up today..
and got scolded by her for pang seh-ing her today..
and somehow realized ii slept till 2 pM today..
onli when ii received a sms frm hiiM..
he scored distinction for oral exam..
not bad !! not bad!!
anyway tmr is May's bday..
and so..
i'b in sch tmr ((:
ii tink this wk..
i'b in sch for 1 day only??
ii shall see how..
anyway past few days seemed FUN..
but somehow i'd fallen sick..
arghhhhhh :/
wed met up wif lingx..
finally catch up wif her after like 98809000 years...
and thurs was national day..
lepak @ syaz's hse..
and her baby hamsters are so fuking cute !!!
and she asked me if ii wan any..
she's willingly to give em away..
ii prefer puppies (:
Hmmmm hols are coming ..
cant wait..
guess i'm off.........!
gonna watch vcd..
3:51 PM
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Friday's night went to esplanade wif wan for some music fest thingy..he was dere wif his frens as well.thus msg hiiM asked hiiM where was he..then was watching half-way and suddenly 2 girls at the side fainted..wa lao sial..darn scary..they're standing and suddenly they collasped to the ground =XOMGGG-od!and ii was telling hiiM..should we go up to her and help??and we 2 went up to help..told them there's some first-aider infront or smth..and her frens actually thanked us :Drealised tat those girls who fainted are super skinny..:Sanother girl needs to be wheeled away in wheel chair..hopefully they're alrite ...DNA lesson is pretty interesting today..
For once ??
We did some poster design and not PPT!
And we’re like ooh, yeahh, FINALLY!
Anyway whole bunch of us were having some fun drawing during 2nd breakout..
Seriously ii miss ART class..
And today we’re like having some sort of art lesson?
And my team actually did a pretty good job..
Here’s our masterpiece ... :D
My team(:
again! HAH` a much clearer view :)
josephine's team(:
Hana's team (:
Syaz's team (:That is our presentation for 3rd meeting today :)Isn't it better than the usual Powerpoint slides?? Hmmmm...
Anyway today afta test slack wif those peepz in class..
afta tat headed to cwp for moviessssss!
we catched the 7pM show..
then headed to LJS for dinner..
and finally...
THE simpson!!
NICE show!
super duper HILARIOUS!
and shu cheng , charlene n jie qi laughed the loudest in the theatre..
really very funny larrs..
there's more movies coming up soon..
rush hour...
and 2 more...
forgot the title liao..
tat's bout it..
i'm freaking COLD rite nw !
in sch olso cold..
at hM olso cold..
everywhere ii go olso got aircon sial..
cant take it.............!
anyway tmr it's PT again!
hopefully wont get the LAO instructor again..
so nagging
and kinda pissed off wif hiiM..
he always tink he's right, when sometimes he's wrong..
ii prefer the other 1 :D
one more month to go...........
Ytd met shandy in the bus..
and she told me she joined netball liao..
tat day she asked me wanna join not..
ii told her ii wont be able to commit..
due to their hectic schedule.. :S
Thinking bout it..
2 more weeks..
and sem 1 gonna ends soon..
tiiMe flies..
still miss-es w25J...
and I seldom get to see em alr..
except a few..
rui yan..
yun yann..
tinking that this class will never be together again..
anyway current class is organising some chalet thingy......perhaps sentosa trip too?
and i've no idea when is it..
if she goes, then I'll go..
my hols gonna be super busy!
tc people(:
10:22 PM
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Prime Minister's visit tat day was really a long day though.Afta sch headed to E2 to collect tee for the SAS cheer..and came to realised that the tee was the same as Jump partyonly afta Lynette told me..hahas,and we kept practising the cheer wif those SAS peepz..and some were year ones..they seemed friendly and some actually started a conversation wif me..LOLSWe waited and waited..and the minister finally arrived at 19 30pm?and when he walked down the lawn ,everyone welcomed hiiM wif clappers and cheers!he actually smiled and waved at meii ying and me!and he's surrounded wif so many CID whole group..LOLafta that had some buffet meals wif the 2 friends..HAH!afta that roamed ard and watched hip hop & Salsa dance..hahanice one!then Lynette's dad came and fetched me hM..and when walking to rp taxi stand..saw Professor Low..RP principaltsk tsk..for the first time in ma life..hahas.and he asked us..hows the party and stuffs ..anywayYesterday watched movie wif hiiM @ yishun GVv watched ALONE!horrifying show!but nice `scary = nice!then he like so scared can?hahasnvm...........then headed to AMK hub to buy food..:))we da bao to the void deck dere eat..and was like laughing here n dere..until passer by walked past and tink we're some retards!and playing some LAME games as well.HAHthen left at 20 00pM..tireds*2day during class asked who wanna go watch the simpson afta class..and they prefer to watch next week =.='''IGs and some other stuffs`so maybe we're watching next wk then.............!then me and wan not shuang..LOLwe decided to catch the 17 10pM show..hahasthen stopped by shu cheng at agora..then he said watch next wk..and he jio lynette to watch it wif us as welllols..yeahhhnext thurs sch also his burthdae..maybe going Mei ying hse......or go celebrate his burthdae?or syaz?or babe's hse?is like they're living in the east okies?is soooo far frm my place :(MY's hse is near his should just popped by..dunno see how larrs.she said her hamster gave birth to 5 cute bb hamsters..:Dand shes gonna give some's class, my team all really siao liao..HAHAwe kept giggling n giggling..really going crazy..HAHALOLii love thurs class :Dcuz there's her ard!tats the reason why ii neva skipped thurs class b4 ((:hahas..harts her :DTATA!
im off.gonna mug?chem paper tmr :(
6:32 PM