Today very fun siia..
4 of us went orchard walk walk......
we go find lingx..
then afta that had lunch........
saw pretty claudia with her mom..
lingx at TAKA workiing as receptionist..
then shooo gd siia..
can msn and keep using e phone call us!
had lunch at orchard yoshinoya..
afta that sent her back to her workplace..
then they aCc me g0 far east buy clothes..
finally bought a top and a bottom..
afta that we g0 lucky plaza play pool for 3 hours..
nt bad lah..
quite fun!
won JOEL and THAI!
my pool skill improve tremendously?
then they asked me how ii train derrx..
sometimes is really tyco..
anyway really darn fun larrs..
while waiting for her to knock off,
we went arcade play..
ii lost to em..
tsk tsk.........
it's 6pM..
we left e place and find lingx..
then went clarke quay for dinner..
we roamed ard the place for almost 45 mins to see where is the best place for dinner..
past by MOS and clinic..
finally had our dinner at billy bomber..
actually g0iin settler's cafe one..
but JOEL dun wann..
we also chatted alot..
and thai actually told us he got gf lia0s..
and when lingx and ii pestered hiiM to tell us more abt he and his gal,
he dun wanna tell..
then keep making fun of me~
even though there's only 4 of us,
bt we really had loads of fun!
afta dinner crave for italian ice-creaM..
then e ice-cream seller very qian bian 1..
keep di-siao-ing..
euu know he asked you to take e ice-creaM..
actually is an empty cone..
then thai keep KNN..
very funny larrs :/
maybe next tiiMe go clubbing wif eM..
thai said sept 14 go..
c0s he said g0iin celebrate for me..
Anyway, tuesday went sentosa with ma classmates..
so few people turned up..
but nvM..
olso very fun!
palawan beach play volleyball and soccer..
evening tiiMe t0ok cable car..
afta that went t0 vivo city watched shrek 3..
e show veri funny larrs..
afta e show went t0 view e scenary and chatted wif eM..
when g0iin back tat time boarded same bus wif 2 girls..
sad to say they're lesbian..
and they're kissing and touching like nobody business :/
and i'm feeling kinda awkward.. :S
Well that's e update ..
very tired man!
gotta sleep lia0s.
good nightss`