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B&J ice-cream.brownies.
marsh-mallows fondue.
fruit tarts.amos-cookies.
Gucci/J.Lo.perfumes.♥outdoor-sports.beach volleyball. tennis.sun-tanning.scorching sun.
visitng her uncle in UK
AND not-forgetting;♥HUNTING-for-foods


Ru Guo De Shi - Angela Chang

Monday, October 30, 2006
prinCesS hOurs shOoo niiCe siia ~

Juz now watched the shOw shOoo niiCe..
prinCEsS hOurs..
it's quite a pOpular shOw..
everybOdy isss watchiin iit..
even my cLassmates finished watchiin lErr..
sOme even watched it agaiin n agaiin..
sOme gO bUy e vcd n watched iit agaiin..
sOme evEn gO yOu tube watch..
ii rEalli mUz say e shOw darn niiCe ..
evEn ii myself lyk tO watCh..
ii lOve e song olsO..
nOt fOrgEttin e kawaii bear bear..
shOoo cutE lEii..
onLii tOdaE jOrdan tOld miiE e sOng isss called
PERHAPS LOVE .. then onLii ii nOe..
ii gOt e song in mOii hp..
e lYriics darn tOuchiin lEii..

bUt that xin trEat hiis wiiFe lyk shiit lidat..
whyy cant he treat her gOod..
alwaYs lyk shOoo COOL dErr !!!
but the ending surely isss a tOuchiin one :)

anyway tOdae UT is expected..
last UT is easy thus this tym aint that easy ..
ehhh rEalli niid tO think alOt..
hOweva tOdaE e cLass watched mOviie in cLass
dUriin secOnd brEakoUt..
e shOw quite scarY ..
gOt onE part sUddEnLy winNiE screaMed shOoo lOud..
afta schOoL gO briiEfiin ...
saw jaMes..
he's chOse wed whereas im thurs :(
niwaE gotta reached bedok CC this thurs by 5pm..

isss aT chaii chEe pLacE..
wE olsO dOnno hOw tO gO dEre..
anYonE nOes ?? juz tag miiE.. thank yEw.. :)
gOnna heLp out ..
cOs gOt ASEAN ppl cOmiin s'pOre..
gOt peOple frOm LAOS , JAPAN, etc.
theN mOii jOb is tO paiir theM uP..
shOooo cOOL lEii..
paiir them uP wiiF a famiLy..
cOs these ASEAN peOple staYiin at the family's hse whiicH eU paiiR em uP dErr..
iiF theY nOt haPpi olsO dOnno hOw lErr..

then gOiin hOme tat tiiMe passed bY AGORA wiif leng..
saw jasOn n jac.. thEy queiin uP bUy candY fLoSs..
thEn we gOoo cUt QueUe..
lUckiLy the peOple qUeiin behind dOnno..
we bOught XL dErr candY flOss..
shared bY the fOur oF us :D

later gOnna drink tat hErbaL thingY..
shOoo bitter dErr..
arghhhh * FORCED BY MOMMY* :X

wEll tat's all fOr tOdaE..

ja,mata !!
9:24 PM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
kElly sOng ~ beii aii dE nU rEn !! shOoo niiCe..

tOday is sunday !!
shOoo reLaxiin siia..
nOw listeniin tO sUperstar kelly pOon sOng..
hi 5 sEt oN sUper lOud..
hOpe wOnt disturb next dOor neighbOur
whO is stiLL slEepiin..
mY brOther started wOrkiin @ MAC..
the paY shOoo lil olsO wan wOrk..
1 hOur onLii 2.80 lEii..
shOoo 'kER PO' derr..
mY brOther onLii 14 lEii..
then ytd the managEr wan hiiM wOrk tiLL 3 AM plUS..
can eU imagine he wOrk frm 5 Pm tO 3am..
10 hOurs siia.. paY onLii 28 bUcks..
dOtx..shOoo lil..
iif ii wOrk @ B&J 10 hOurs gOt 50 bUcks lErr..
wad a big diffErenCe ..
aniwaE mY brOther wOrk same pLace as the gUy whO mOlested miiE iin bUs..
idiOt dErr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bUt nOwadays diint sEen hiiM lErr..
onLii sEen his brOther quitE a cOupLe of tiiMEs iin schOOl..
his brOther olsO frOm rp derr..
thEn his anOther brOther last tiiMe saMe seC schOoL as miiE..
thE wOrld iisss jUst shOoo SMALL !!

haiis... tOmorrOw afta schOol gOtta attEnd a briEfiing..
nOt fOrgettiin tMl UT 2 lErr.. shOOo fast siia..
maths mOdule tml.. gUess its gOnna be a bOriin daY agaiiN..

sEe eU gUys ~
ja,mata !!

9:44 AM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
ii'm sicK tOdaE .. awwww... ~

yesterdaE had science mOdule.
The science faci brought the class to the schOol library..
and we'd our lessOn dere. It's kinda cOol thOugh .. haha..
so there's fOur teams in tOtal.. thus we'd our 1st breakout ..
bOut half the class went tO GALILEE cafe fOr a grab.
I've mOii fav tuna sandwich n hOt chOcolate.. :)
yuMM... ~

well and afta the breakOut 2 of my team members aint back yet..
shOoo jy and mysElf continued wiiF oUr research..
ytd tOpic had made sOme of us shOoo strEss..

or shOuld ii saY i'm e onLy one ??
it's bOut sickle cells thingy and tiLl nOw
ii still dOnt fUlly understand !!
tO make matter wOrse,
ii've dOn ve any biOlogy bckgrd,
thus it's hard fOr miiE tO absOrb in jUst a day !!
oh myyy..

afta schOol headed straight tO leng's class..
sending sOngs tO mOii coMp.. lalala..
afta that we heade tO w3 fOr the japanese kOrea shOw
ii shOuld say it's darn bOring fOr sOme..
that they didnt fully concentrate in watching e shOw..
they kip instant messaging n all..
well.. it's a 2 hOurs shOw anyway :)

anyway as fOr todaE ii woke up realising that i'd sOre throat..
i think it's dUe tO not drinking plenty of water fOr the past few days..
and most of e tiiMe im inside aiir cOnditioned rOom.. :S
anyway hOpe i'll be abLe tO get well sOon ..
iif nOt i'll nOt be able tO prEsent on mOnday !!

thUrs niiTe watched a shOW @ ch U.. the titLe iss yOu hua jiu shUo.. vErii tOuchiin siia.. first part isss bOut the chinese garden mrt stOry.. then afta that gOt interview 1 wOman she vErii ke liaN .. haiis.. hEr stOry rEally pathetiC siia.. gUys realli nO sympathy tO girLs de mahx ?? girLs olsO gOt feEling derr.. nO mattEr wad.., girLs are alwaYs the ones at the lOsiing end .. haiis..

tiiMe flies, and ii dO wOnder where ii'b afta ii gradUate..
stiLL in spOre ??

well anyway tats aLL fOr the tiiME being..

ja,mata !

10:20 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

shOoo sianz dErr..
ii cant gEt tO slEep.. wOke up at 3 plUs.. dOtz..
last niiTe kiiP thinkiin bOut sOmething..
shOoo sad ..
vErii siianZ siia.. shOoo nOw onLinE..
nOw nOt much peOple online..
lUcky yUan chUan onLine..
chat wiiF miiE..'
latEr gOt schOol ooOh..
mEaniin gOt tEst later..
lasT niiTe lEng called miiE..
shE tOld miiE her laptOp scrEen cracked liaO..
dOnno hOw she did dErr..
lidaT mUz waste mOney gO rEpaiir lErr..
nOt much tO blOg thOugh..ii'm oFf ~
See yOu !!
5:34 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
aLl mOii maLaY frEns sElamaT harii RaYa ~

diNG dOnG dOnG.. baCk tO mOii blOggie lE ~ ..

tiiz mOrning wOke up at 935am..
checK mOii hP mEssages thEn gO wash up n etc..
laTa thEn er gu called miiE asked miiE bOut jOb thingy..
then talked tO her awhiLe..
afta that gO read yesterdaE nEwspaper liaN hE wan baO..
the stOry read liaO shOoo tOuchiin siia.. ii read lE almOst cry lEii..
the stOry of e man whO cOmmit sUicide at
chinese gardEn..
pity the famiLy siia.. haiis..
his twO sOns shOoo gUaii siia.. nOt bad ehh..
thEn his eLder sOn the finaL year exam gOt FOURTH in class lEii..
nOt bad wOrz..
mY daddy olsO saiid nOt bad !! Hmmx...
sOmetimes if nO mOneY vErii kE liaN de nOrhx..
afta reading ii reaLised sOmething lE..
dOn anYhOw spenT mOneY liaO..
cOz mOneY verii hard tO earn dErr.. mUz saVe liaO..
cUz if suddEnLy neEd mOney urgEntly then neEd tO use it..

niwaE nOt fOrgetting theres UT tml.. ii've yEt tO study.. LOLS.
wiishhiin aLL mY mUslim friEnds sElamat harii raYa ('',)........

ja.maTa ~

11:53 AM
Monday, October 23, 2006
jUz nOw shOo fUn_

afta schOoL mEet leng theN we twO take caB gO cwp..
gO miiT bestie ling n han xiang !!
Then went tO cathay cinema bOoked tickets..
When we reaChed dEre aLreadi fULL le..
the lady saiid mUx separate seats wOrx..
thEn we dOn wan..
thEn saw jOvii mEii..
chatted wiiF her awhiLe..
thEn lEft wiiF her frenzs liaO..
shOoo wE went tO sUn pLaza instead !
thEn leng neva jOined uS.. shE wEnt hM liaO ~
wE watched DEATHNOTE 6 45 PM shOw..
han xiang waNna bLanja uS siia..
thEn wE twO dOn wan.. haha..
thEn paY hiiM bacK e mOneY !!
kiiP pUshiin e mOneY herE n dEre..
hahas.. vErii fUnni lOrr..
thE tiCkeT sEller kiiP lOokiin at uS..
tOdaE tiCkets shOoo exP siia.. 9.50 lEii..
cOx tOdaE hari raYa evE.. dOtx.. the shOw lasted fOr abOut 2 hOurs..
shOoo siianz dErr.. bUt ovEraLL nOt bad larr..
thE gUy kiRa shOOo prO siia.. LOLS. he hid e radiO thingy insidE his tidbits..
thEn e ''L'' gUy shOOo sisSy derr.. vErii fUnny lOrr.. lalala..
anYwaY nOt bad n i'vE enjOy mY daYs wiiF mY hOmie..
wE've chatted a lOt and alsO wiiF her friEnd .. :)
tOmorrOw nO schOoL.. yeahhh ~
i'M tireD lErr.. sLeEpiin sOon liaO..
NitEx !!
10:33 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
miSsiin bEstiiE lOtZ lOtx ~

thIs mOrning slEepiin shOoo sOundLy
thEn awakEn bY a phOne caLl..
isshh rebeCca caLl derr..
shE asked miiE tOdaE gOiin oUt mahz..
aNiwaE afta abOut 2 mOnths or sO..
finaLLy get tO mEet uP wiiF hOmie.. pei ling.. hahas.
yEsterdaE afta schOoL headed tO cwp meEt her..
wE chatted alOt siia..
she'd jUz cOmpleted her o's practicaL on thUrs.. cOol..
and her o's is 3 weEks frOm nOw..
hOpe she caN makE it this tiiMe rOund :)
wE went cwp slacK.. hEaded tO tiiMe zOne seE peOple plaY gaMEs..
theN gO have dinner @ banqueT.. shOooo crOwded siia..
thEn wan gO watch mOviE derr..
walkiin tO cinema on e waY thEn saw actOr shaWn lee again..
thEn like laTer watched lE shOoo laTe liaO.. shOoo dint waTch..
gO banquEt havE dinnEr..
gOtta waiit fOr peOple finisHed eatiin firsT thEn gOt pLaCE tO siit derr..
olsO saw seC schOoL mate again.. IDAH ~
she siiting oUtside saKae sUchii derE.. theN we tOk tOk awhiLe theN lefT lerr..
she cUrrentLy wOrkiin as cUstOmer oFfiCer @ bUgis.
thEn gOiin bacK inTerchaGe derr.. saw daniEl kEr again..
hE went uP e escaLtOR whiLe me n pl went dOwn..
he wiiF a prEttY girL siia.. the girL kip pLayiin wiiF hiiM.. hahas.
the girL dUnno pUt wad thing insidE his clOthes.. theN he keEp takiin tat thing oUt..
berii fUnny larr..
mC kOr dE head shOoo paiiN siia..
hais.. hOpe he okaYs sOOn bahz.. ~
nOw mUgging trU test jUz nOw..
jUz skimMed thrOugh..
lazy tO stUdy olsO .. shOoo here tO bLog.. LOLS.
aNiwaE, cOllin gOiin ns iin decEmber liaO..
ii olsO dOnnO wad eLsE tO blOg olsO..
dOnno later gOiin oUt or nOt..
dOnna habEn replY..
thEn ii wait tiLl shOo siiaNz lErr..

yeahh.. tats aLl fOr nOW.. :)

ja.mata !
12:28 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
_ 'jUSt hUng uP e phOnE..

typicaL daY in schOoL.. ermmm expected tat e attendanCe wiLl be darn LOW again .. and I'm right.. onLi 15 peOple caMe.. awwww..

niwaE tOdaE shOoo reLax siia.. haha... verY fast cOmpLete wOrk liaO.. thEn sLack liaO..
firsT breakoUt shandY came mOii cLass find miiE.. cOz bOth oF us waNNa jOin vOlleyball ig. then we gO emaiL e persOn in chargE.. theN afta awhiLe she repLied uS back.. she said cUrrently gOt enOugh peOple liaO.. mUst waiit fOr sOme tiiME bahx.. shOOo neva mind lOrr.. wait bahZ~
shOoo went fOr nOon taLk wiiF lenG.. the talk qUite interestiin siia.. abOut pharmauceuticaL sciiEnce derr.. then ii mSn gUang rOng asked hiiM wanNa jOiin miiE fOr the taLk ma.. he saiid he dOiin wOrk,. LOLS. shOOo nvm !!
ii reaLised tat leng cLass gOt a gUy waNNa jiO her siia.. haha.. theN afta e taLk went tO her cLass and sEe hOw the gUy lOok like.. haha.. ehhh his naMe shOoo jap siia... sUriantO lEii.. smth like this larr.. leng iiF eU happen tO read this dOn angrY wOrx.. kekekZ~
3 mOre wEeks and I caN gO registEr fOr basiC theOry tesT liaO.. haha.. tOdaE ii sign in mSn.. theN jOrdan n winnie asked miiE wad is BTT.. cOz mY msn nicK wrOte.. then ii said basic theOry tEst.. theY stUnned.. winnie verY cUte siia.. shE tOt ii nexT mOnth can drivE liaO.. haha.. thEn ii tOld her nO.. mUst take theOry lessOn firsT.. fOlloW bY practicaL.. theN jOrdan very fUnny olsO.. lols. he said lidaT nexT tiiMe eU can drivE tO schOol lerr.. haha.. ya lo.. bUt ii nO mOneY bUy car siia.. nOw tiinking abOut it stUdent driving car tO schOoL.. haha.. abit weird larr.. :S
jUst nOw afta schOoL gO library wiiF jac, jasOn n leng.. gO galiLee bUy fOod makaN cOs we hUngrY.. theN rebeCca hOw pass me e injEctiOn letTer.. finaLly gOt bacK lErr :)
shOoo tOmorrOw dUnno gOiin tOwn wiiF dOnna ma.. nOt gOiin tO vivO citY lerr.. dere olsO gOt nOthin mUch tO waLk.. onLi ricH peOpLe gO derr.. :)

tat's all folks.
ja.Mata !
9:50 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
\\_ tired dE wO _//

I'll make this a shOrt entry fOr tOdaE.. cUz i'm sleePiin sOOn :)
I brOught strawberries and ate in class.. haha..
anyway I've juz chge my blOgskin alL thanks tO cUtie winnie's heLp. thanks lOads ! ii realli lOve this skin..haha.. cUz tOo obsessed wiiF prinCess hOurs liaO.. tsk tsk...
tOdae in schOOl k=leng asked miiE gOiin fOr talk ma.. tOdaE gOt 2 talk.. bUt bOth dint gO.. haha.. in cLass she msn miIE asked miiE mY CE pOints hOw manY liaO.. ii saiid dUnno wOrz.. dint gO checK.. she tOld miiE she gOt 30 pOints liaO lEii.. then ii saiid wOw hOw cOme shOoo mUch liaO ehhs.. theN she asked miiE gO checK mine.. ii gO check miNe liaO olsO kenNa shOcked siia.. cant belive it man !!! I've 34 pOints liaO lEii.. haha darn haPpy lOrr.. :) 6 mOre pOints theN sOng liaO ehh.. kekeZ~ rp mUst cOllect 40 pOints than can gradUate derr..
yeahh. niwaE tOdaE science mOdule bOriin yEt fUn.. bOriin is cUz e cLass shOoo few peOpLe siiia.. onLi 16.. theN fUn is cUz tOdaE did rOle play.. act oUt siia.. reaLly fUn derr.. ii act as
gina's hUsband.. LOLS!

tat's abOut it.

ja.mata !
9:52 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

HAppY 18th bIrthdaY evon :) hOpe eU like e smaLl prEzzie frOm miiE .. teehees.

shOoo tiiriin n thirsty siia.. :S

jUst nOw wEnt schOoL gYm wiiF winnie n jing ying.. rUi yaN jOiiniin uS derr.. theN her bf caLled her.. she meeting her bf thus she left liaO.. we bOught fOod gO jing ying's hOsteL makan fiRst.. thEn afta thaT resT awhiLe n headed tO gYm lerr.. the spOrts haLl shOOo big siia.. OMG !! then went tO level 1 derr.. oUtside e gYm e staircasE.. gUang rOng saw miiE.. n he kiiP caLliiN miIE.. at first ii dint nOe issHH hiiM.. ii dint answer.. bUt ii knOw sOmeone iss caLliin mY naME.. haha.. theN ii saw hiiM ii was stUnned..LOLS> and sO his friends saiid whY ii lOoked shOoo bLur.. haha.. shOoo fUnny lOrr.. kekekZ~ thEn went inside gYm.. shOooo manY MACHO guys @ dere traiinin siia.. onli 2 gaLS oNLi.. theN we gO rUn the tread miLe.. dUnno hOW tO speLl larr.. theN afta that saw EriC.. rp e bOdy buiLder gUy.. he nOt bad lOokiin siia.. haha.. but he darn prO larr.. he dO e pUll up thingy.. omg.. !! amazing ! onLi theN ii realised tat gR knOw hiiM derr.. he was talKiin tO gr.. ehhhhhh then we olsO carry e dUmbeLL thingy..

at gYm tiLl 18 30 PM.. theN left liaO.. theN bid gr gOodbye n leFt lerr.. we headed tO e tOilet tO cooL dOwn a lil befOre headiin tO cwp............!

reached cwp and saw a gUy... his faCE shOoo familiar siia... thEn reaLised issHh miiNE seC scH mate.. wEe chaO.. then ii kiiP lOOkiin @ hiiM.. n hE kiiP lOOkiin bacK.. wOnder iiF he knOw is miiE ma.. haha.. anyway yeahh.. his hair darn lOng liaO.. shOoo lOng dint sEe hiiM le.. ever siNce 2004..................!

hmmm.. headed tO fair pRiCE @ civiCs wiiF jy .. afta thaT went hOme lerr..

ii waNna gO vivO shOppin centRe leii......................... heard tat e shOppin darn big siia.. selliin branded items.. chaNeL , pRAda, lOuis vUitTon etc................. ?

tat's aLl fOr nOW.. i'm darn tired n ii needed tO sleep right nOw :)

ja.mata !
9:07 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in deEp sOup liaO..

theres test tmL and yEt ii cant oPen 6P siia.. arghhh!!! wtf.......... ! ii dUnnO jus nOw clicK wad thingY.. and the whOle fiLe canNot open liaO.. shOoo fUckiin pisSed oFf lOrr.. arghhhhhhh ~ anOther fUckiin thing is tat I finaLly gOt mysElf a C fOr maths !!! faci said ii keEp on instant messaging.. hais.. :S .. he asked mE nOt tO sign in tO msn !! and soooo my straight Bs is destroyed bY a C liaO... arghhhhhhh~

anyway jUst nOw afta schOol eLeven oF us wenT tO geclarE haVe waFfle iiCe-cream !! wheeeeE ~ myself, yUn yan, rUi yan, jing ying, evOn, mOey yaeng , JT, seaN, sebastiaN, lOuis, kang wEi.. shOooo fUn wOrx.. kekeZ~ sEm 2 1st tiiME cLasS oUtiing.. next wEek gOnna jiO em gO watch mOvie.. lalala.. jOvii n rEbeCca olsO cOme gecLare.. bUt shOoo sOrry dint entertain eU twO wOrx.. dUn bLame miiE kkz !!

afta iiCe creaM thingy sOme left dUe tO sOme pErsOnaL reasOn and e remaining headed tO The face shOp.. me n jing yiing bOught naiL pOlisher.. teehees. niiCe cOlor.. then kang wEii and lOuis olsO gO apply.. hahas.. darn hiLariOus.. KekkeX~
and sOoo we headed hOme afta that.. :D

jUst nOw came back have dinner then went tO triM mOii hair liaO.. afta thaT caLl mOii mEii thEn wE chat chaT awhiLe.. heard big nEws frOm her siia.. bOut sOmeonE..........! darn sarcastic larr.. :S and ii reaLli pitY e gaL. !

it's a great day thOugh ~ ooh ya tmL is evon's birthday !!! :D happy advanced b'day tO eU !!

ja,mata !
9:29 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006

SHooO cOld siia.. :S

yesterdaE shOoo fUn siia.. aftanOon gO cwp wiiF mUmmy and brOther.. gO bUy 3G phOne.. lalala.. brOther shOoo xing fU siia.. shOoo yOung jiU oWn a 3G phOne le..ii reM last tiiMe miiE.. mY 1st phone is onli nOkia 3350.. haha.. sis tat daY olsO buy a one 3 G phOne.. and nOw ii simply lOve 3G phone liaO.. lalala.. ~ theN sistEr wOrkiin brO gO caLl jiiE.. haha theN on e vidEo caLl.. shOoo fUnn siia.. kekeZ~ theN caN seE oNe anOther insidE e phOne derr.. like ii nOt stUpid 2 tat kind lOrr.. oh yaa.. ytd saw shawn lee again.. lOls.. at cathay e seventh stOrey lift arEa.. he olsO saw miiE.. kekeZ~

anyway @ bus intErchange saw daniEL ker .. haha.. he saw miiE olsO.. bUt he paii sehx.. then his bUs caMe he boarded e bUs liaO.. haha..

last night ard 8 plUs gO tOwn wiiF brOther.. wE gO dere find sis.. gO her new zEaland natUraL staLl ate iiCe creaM.. kekeZ~ e lOw fat vanilla shOoo niiCe siia.. !! then waited fOr sis knOck oFf then gO hm wiiF meijUn n theY twO.. then in mrt shOoo fUnni siia.. e jap jap guy.. haha.. shhhh !!!

Today UT shOoo CHIM siia.. aiyoyo.. jOseph wanna quiT schOol sOon liaO.. hais.

shOrt entry fOr todaE.. i'b back aight :D

ja,mata !
2:27 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006

* bleah ~
11:01 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006

dinG dOng dOng ~

back tO blOg again liaO.. sOoo siianz derr.. aftanOon taKe naP tiLl 5pM.. tOdaE waNNa gO tOwn wiiF sis derr.. bUt she wOrkiing.. hais. she nexT wEek lasT daY lerr.. cOs e iiCe creaM shOp clOsing dOwn sOon liaO.. !! theN asked lenG gO.. bUt she gOiin oUt wiiF her cOusin.. nexT weEk gOiin JBP find yUe xia mEii n dOnna.. maYbe askiiN jOhathan gO wiiF miiE..

daniEl kEr shOoo bad derr.. saY wan cOme mY schOol taT daY bUt end uP neva cOme.. mOndaY eU bettEr cOme hOrx.. iiF nOt nexT tiiMe dOn cOme .. lols.. nOw chaTting wiiF hiiM.. lalala... ytd jOseph sms miiE.. chat chat awhiLe.. he nexT mOnth gOiin overseas siia.. thEn he asked miiE waNna gO genting wiiF hiiM cheE beng and yaO huanG ma.. theN ii neva reply hiiM liaO.. haha..

jUst nOw pEi linG laOpo caLl miiE.. theN asked miiE wan meEt her @ cwp ma.. cOs she aT yew tEe.. then ii said ii dOn wan gO oUt.. maYbe mOn theN mEet lOrr.. theN she said oKies ~.. shOoo end uP here tO dO mY blOg .. dUnno why shOoo tiired derhx.. e haze like makiin miiE very difficUlt tO breathE lidat ~

anyway sOmeone taT daY cOnfessed he likes miiE.. haha.. ehh .... shhhh ~
ii really dOnno wad tO blOg liaO.. ~

ja,mata !
7:37 PM

lOokiin uP tO eU.. yes YOU ~
7:33 PM

schOol spOrts cOmpLEx ~
7:28 PM

resiize liao then sOOo blur le.. hais..
7:25 PM

miiE and leng zii lian ~ lOls.
7:23 PM

sOoo blUr ooh ~
7:20 PM

@ schoOl fitnEss area ~
7:14 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006

yesterdaE tOo tiired tO blOg liaO..
afta schOol gO visit jing ying's hOsteL.. haha.. her hOsteL sOoo niiCe siia.. theN gO e balcOny derE e viiew is spOrts cOmplex.. realli niiCe lEii.. sOmemOre shE lived at 11 th stOrey ~
aT her hOuse dere chaTted wiiF her fOr 1 hOur pLus.. afta thaT went schOol gYm.. when reached e gYm.. OMG ~ !! sOoo manY dragOn bOat de gUys.. aLl sOOo machO siia.. kekeZ~ theN tOdaE heard frOm weE leng taT denNis saw us oUtside gYm dere.. theN asked whY dint cOme iin wORx.. hahas.. theN gO e fitnesS area dO siit uP instEad.. ! *BLEAH*
theN her papa droVe miiE hOme siia.. shOooo gOOd nehx .. :)

tOdaE charMing mUstaqiim sMs miiE dUriin break tiiMe saY caN cOllect e mOviiE vOucher frOm hiiM liaO.. aT gaMiin rOOm.. shOoo gOOd.. heLp year 3 stUdent caN geT freE vOucher olsO.. shOoo wanNa gO watcH death nOte wiiF mOii cLasS.. e mOviie sneak @ 19 oct siia.. dOtx.. anYwaY tUesdaY gOiin geclarE wiiF mOii cLass maTE.. sean organise derr.. cOOL.. then ii'll jiO mOii class gO watch mOviie- deathnOte ..

tOdaE afta cLass gO find mEii @ her cLass.. theN gO celEbrate her friend birthdaY.. aLl isssh shOoo friendli derrs..

anyway tat's aLl fOr tOdaE.. mOn scienCE test.. arghhhh~

ja,mata !
8:59 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

sOoo slEepy siia..

tOdaE mOduLe sOoo interestiin lEii.. haha.. separate into 4 teaMs.. gUys fOrm 2 grOups n gaLs fOrm 2 grOups.. theN gO chOose 4 envelOpes.. each teaM chOose 1 .. theN mY team chOose e deodorant thingy.. winnie's team on cOndOm , jOrdan's teaM chOse on panty linEr.. and JT's teaM on bra.. sOoo fUnny siia.. theN eU gOtta prOmote these iteMs tO e aUdience.. theN gOt 2 jUdges siitin dere siia.. onE male n 1 feMale.. theY makiin aLl oF uS shOoo nervOus.. theY keeP askiin uS questiOns.. uS sOoo pisSed oFf.. anyway ii realised that I aint FIT tO be a marketing persOn.. haha.. cannOt convince peOple derrhx.. KekeZ.. ~ and nOt fOrgettiin enterprise mOdule cannOt SMOKE thrOugh siia.. haha..!

yeahh nevertheless, we stilL cOmpleted oUr presentatiOn.. weLl dOne !! *CLAPS*

afta class headed tO w1.. gO find the 2 rebeccas.. haha.. then saw manoj.. long tiiMe dint see hiiM liaO.. said hi then went tO find rebecCa hOw.. she nOt there.. then rebeCca helped miiE put the bnj stuffs next tO her bag.. then saw sOme 1.. haha.. hiiM !! tiink he saw miiE.. bUt he dint caLled miiE.. lOlls.. anyway nvm :) then miiE mEii and rebeCca gO find jOvii n weE leng.. gO eat cake siia.. yUmmmm ~

Thus 5 of us walked to cwp.. mEii n jOvii went oFf liaO.. left wE 3.. theY aCcompany miiE gO jOb interviEw.. dUnno sUccessfUl ma lEii.. hOpefUlly lOrr.. ehh theN afta thaT e assistant manager briefed miiE on stuff n aLl.. iiF sUccessfUL next weEk caN start wOrk liaO lEii.. haha..cOoL !

afta that left the place le.. then was walkiin oUtside KFC went ii saw a similar face.. gUess whO?? it's SHAWN LEE lEii.. haha.. the ii nOt stupid 2 actOr.. he sOOo shUaii wOrx.. he wiiF a girL.. olsO frOm bukit panjiang govt higH schOoL.. theY sOOo intimatE siia.. dUnno izit his gf ma.. kekeZ~ yeahh then ii tOld rebeCca she kiip lOOkiin siia.. haha.. theN theY stOpped at the cOntrOl statiOn dere..miiE and rebeCca KPO siia.. we frOm a distance stOpped and sEe.. theN e girL tUrned behind lEii..haha.. she like knOw we kiiP lOokiin @ them le.. wE abit paii sehx liaO.. theN left e plaCe le..sOoo fUnny lOrr..

hmmm.. prinCess hOur rOCKS ~~~
sOoo envy e shen cai ling.. haha.. she shOoo CHIO EHH :)

that's e update fOr tOdaE..

ja,mata !
8:42 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

miiE gOnna faint liaO...

lUnch tiiMe dint eaT wOrx.. cOs gO hElp year 3 student wiiF thEiir prOject thingy.. they need oUr hElp fOr their final year prOject.. theN gO wiiF leng.. @ library gaMiin rOom.. the yEar 3 student takiin oUr preSsure thingy siia.. then wE plaYiin cOunterstrike.. haha.. learnt abit of hOw tO plaY olsO.. thE whOle prOcess abOut 1 hOur and 10 miins.. then wE nO tiiMe dO our ppt olsO siia.. then decided nOt tO eat liaO.. fastEr gO back cLass finish wiiF ppt.. reached class ma team mates finish le wOrx.. sOOo fast siia.. haha.. bUt leng's cLassmates nOt gOod at all.. dint heLp her dO.. theN she kenna scOlding.. lOlls.. her facii kiiP askiin her qUs she dUnno hOw to ans olsO.. haha..!

tOdaE mOdule is kinda fUn.. it's culture n astethics.. and e mOdule is on elements oF arts.. as an art student ii rOughly have an idea what it is abOut bUt sOme parts stiLl nOt quite sUre !! TmL cUture test siia.. the facii dUno whY always asK miiE qus de.. dOtx.. many tiiMes caLl mY name derhx.. theN ii olsO dUnno hOw tO ans hiiM siia.. perhaps many of e tiiMes i'm lOokiin at mY laptOp and signalling tO hiiM tat ii wasnt paying attention tO hiiM..
anyway, tmL faci even cOol.. haha.. asked mE treat her ben and Jerry's iiCe cream.. lalalala.. the facii dUnno ii quit bnj liaO.. haha.. iiF ii tOld her ii wOnder what's her reaCtiiOn.. she's gOod in the sense that she treat us wiiF sweets :) sOoo sweet of her yeahh~

nevertheless, class is darn quiet tOdaE.. perhaps w/o SEAN's presence.. haha.. sOoo siianz olsO.. ehh amanda tOdaE bO cOme siia.. aiyoyoyo.. can always PON de mehx ?? lOls.. anyway 3 weeks liaO.. mOii clasS stiLl nO fUll attendanCe lEii.. sOoooo sad !! ~.~'' tOdae sOoo many peOple dint cOme wOrx.. dotx..

jUst nOw gOiin hOme weE leng gO bUy BIKINI siia.. kekeZ~ she kip jiO miiE gO bUy.. but ii dint bUy cos mOii mUmmy dUn allOw miiE wear.. lOls.. the older generatiOn dUn knOw us de lOrr.. keke.. anyway she bOught 2 bikinis for 30 bucks.. 1 isss 15 bucks.. quite cheap le lEii.. iiF eU gO RIP cUrL bUy its abOut 60 bUcks lOrr.. sOmemOre e design quite siimiLar tO RIP cUrl derhx.. theN e lady seLliiin isss a gaL siia.. aT first ii tOt she's a gUy.. then when she spoke, she sOund a gaL.. haha.. sOooo fUnni lOrr.. =X

and yeahh tat's abOut it.. gOnna have mOii dinner and gOiin watch princess hOur lE.. the pRince sOoo shuaii wOrx.. haha.. :)

ja,mata !
6:08 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006

tOdaE clasS end sUper early.. haha.. the tiiMe nOw iss 3:46pm.. kekeZ~
lEsson is darn bOriin fOr tOdaE.. aLl slack ........ pssssttt.............! oh ya one mOre thingy.. AMANDA is finally back iin cLass.. heh.. bUt where's YONG QUAN ???
niwaE nOt much tO blOg fOr todaE cOs nOthiin grEat tO talk abOut ..
excEpt fOr 1 thing..
and tat's mY scH iss sElliin BIKINIS tOdae.. e retaiL bUsiness had sEt up tOdae.. bY sOme pOly students.. tat's sOoo cOol eh. ~ lalalala... and the designs is simply awesome.. ALOHA style !! tsk tsk...................~

tOdaE UT is gOod.. able tO dO aLl e question.. ahahha.. cOol..pOwer.. hOpefully culture is e saMe as weLl..

later gOiin civics stUdy wiiF leng..
hmmmmm shall blOg again yeah ~

perhaps headiin tO cwp later tO crave mOii faV gelare iicE creaM.. tatatata ~

ja,mata !!
3:51 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006

yEsterdae PSI sOoo high siia.. hitting 150 liaO.. bUt nOw it's better.. nOt sOoo hazY liKe y'stdy.. thOugh there's stiLL a bit of smOke when yOu lOOk at e sky !

anYway this mOrning headed tO marsiLing wiiF grandMa and mUmmy.. theN we take caB gO e marsiling shing siong derr.. the taxi uNcle sOoo irriTating siia.. haha.. keEp switchIng sOngs.. frOM chineSe tO teOchEW.. dOtx.. as iif ii nOe hOw tO lisTen lidaT ~~ dOtx ~ plUs he gOtta e PERVERT lOok.. yUcks ~
wenT shing shionG dere waLk waLk..

Then @ the market dere sOmething happened.. gOt THIEF siia !!!
mUmmy bUyiin e lOtus thingy.. theN gOt 1 thai wOrker pasT bY.. hE saw nObody lOokiin theN he waNna carry e cOntainer inside gOt mOney @ the taBle derr derhX.. he waNna pUt inside a pLastiC baG and raN oFf wiiF it .. lUcky the seLliin vegetaBle unclE saw and shOuted @ hiiM.. he shOuted ' heY wad yOu dOiin' theN scOld the ' CHEE BYE' wOrd.. haha.. sOoo fUnny lOrr.. theN dOwn thEre sOoo manY peOple sTunned siia.. theN the thieF sCare liaO.. rUn verii fasT siia.. he ran acRosS e rOad.. tO oPposiTe marsiLing blOck 400+ derr.. he sCare e vegetaBle uncLE chasE hiiM.. cOs he tUrned arOund and lOok.. sOoo SUX de lOrr .. theSe kind of peOple.. stiLl daRe dO illegaL sTuff.. nO senSe oF shaMe at aLl meh ? He was lUcky aS he raN oFF fasT.. the THIEF ran sUper fasT siia.. ii olsO stuNned siia.. lOls.. cOs firsT tiiMe encOuntered theSe kiind oF thinGs..
theN we gO e cOffeeshOp dere haVe breakfasT..
afTa that gOiin oFf le.. saW 2 pOliceman @ the vegetable sTall derE.. is the unCle caLl e pOlice derhX.. wE walKed pasT e plaCe andii heard taT e unCle tellin e pOliceman the sitUatiOn jUx nOw..
afTa thaT dUnnO wad haPpened liaO.. cOs WE left e plaCe lErr..
lasT tiiMe mY wOrkiin the plaCe dere gOt 1 gUy olsO steal.. theN gOt caught stiLl dare CRY siia..

tOdae sUndaY verii sianz siia.. staY at hOme ..

ja, mata !
3:14 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006

yesterdaY isssSS mOon caKe fEStivaL..

mY vOid decK e playgrOund dere gOt sOoo manY peOple playiin wiiF candLes and lanterns.
thiinkiin oF lasT tiimE when yOung.. gO dOwn plaY candles derhX.. theN carry e lantern..sOoo fUn wOrx.. haha.. nOw big lE.. nOt like lasT time liaO.. nOW @ carpark gOt chilDren makiin sOoo mUch nOise.. haha.. theY uSe candLes fOrm HEART shaPe .. sOOo niCe siia.. ii frOm mOii rOom caN viEw it lerr.. lOlls.. ii reM laSt year gOt peOple uSe firE and bUrnt cardbOard.. theN the cOrner oF carparK gOt FIRE.. theN pOlice caMe.. haha.. sOoo fUnny siia.. theN e childrEn aLl jhaO..
niwaE y'stdy iin scH attendiin talk tiLl 18 30pm.. theN jOseph suddenLy called miiE asked miiE wan gO plaY candlEs wiiF hiM , chEe benG , yaO huanG and 1 bOngO gUy ma.. ii saiid ii gOiin haPpening wiiF mOii frenz .. lalala.. theN went tO cwp wiiF wee lenG.. sOoo fUN siia.. anyway y'std bOught a tee frOm ESPRIT.. tsk tsk.. wastE mOney again..

tOdaY earLy mOrning wake up cos gOiin gracEhaven hOme..
tOt i'll be late bUt they're later !! hahas..
reached amk ctrL statiOn at 8 30am.. saw tUrtLe dere le.. afta thaT miChelle came and jacLyn.. tOdae meEt 2 new frEns again.. theY jUSt jOined slc.. hOOhOO !! jaCqueline and Qin yUn (:
theN taLked tO theM.. jaCqueLine verii friendLii n chiO.. shE lOoked like a miXed.. shE nOw samE claSs as jOhn siia.. haha.. wad a smaLl wOrld.. thUs we bOarded bUs tO graCehaven hOme.. the girLs stiLl rem uS.. haha..
theN we plaYed gamEs.. 3 gaMes in tOtaL.. reallii sOooo fUn siia.. theY olsO havE lOads oF fUn tOO ~
theN afta thaT miiE jacLyn JacQueLine anD QiU yUn hailEd a caB.. wE gOiin hOlland village maKan.. cOs verii hUngry.. niCe plaCe tO hang oUt.. hmmm... afta thaT jacQueline went bacK tO her chUrch theN miiE and QiU yUn taKe bUS tO plaZa sinGapUra.. theN frOm dere bOarded a train bacK hOme.. sOOo tiired n sLeEpy siia..
head realli sOooo paiin .. dUnno whY.. theN reached hOme take naP.. nOw feEling betteR liaO.. tiink isss e haZe plUs ii dinT drinK enUff water ..
mOndaY there's UT.. dOtx .. havEn stUdy.. jUs nOw studY abiit.. nOt mUch tO studY olsO lOrr.. cOs mOstlY isss cOmmon senSe deRhx.. tiink sOoo ?? hmmm.. sOoo far alL mOdule gOt B.. hOpe caN maiintAin lOrr.. striVing fOr As.. lalala...
aS fOr mY claSs .. tiink yOng Quan and aManda nOt cOmiin tO schOol anYmOre lerr.. sOooo SAD !!! last seM is saRah.. nOw iSss THEM !!!

I'b bacK..
Ja, maTa !!
7:25 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006

miiE black tO blOg again .. wheee ~

schOol is gOod..except next wEek theres 2 tests cOmiin uP.. stiLl haven revise yeT.. gOshh !! weekenD gOnna stUdy .. ??

anyway, yesterday iss mY mUmmy's birthdaY.. teehee.. afta schOol went fOr slc meeTing.. oNlii miIE and jaclyn went.. shantini dinT cOme wOrx.. then afta that left l3.. went tO find wee leng and jOel.. at w3.. then we walked tO cwp.. dUe tO the strong haZe, we decided tO board a bus.. reached cwp they acC miiE tO bengawaN sOlo bUy cakE fOr mOii mUmmy.. bOught frUit cakE.. theN afta thaT left le..

bathe liaO.. had dinner.. theN when onliNe awhiLe..
afta that waiting fOr dad cOme hOme.. then jiU blOw and cUt cake (:

nOthiin mUch tO blOg.. jOseph then sms miiE.. asked whY ii quit mOii jOb le.. ii tOld him tOo stresS.. hmmm..

tOmorrow gOiin graCehaven agaIn.. wheeeee ~ plaYiin gamEs wiif em.. cOOl.. dUnno e girLs stiLl rem uS ma ??

tOday isss miD- aUtum festivaL siia.. laTer schOol gOt lOtsa evenT.. kekeZ~ later gOiin fOr 2 talks wiif weE leng n jOel.... tsk tsk tsk...

aNd nOt fOrgettiin laTer headiin tO cwp fUnfair.. wOot !!! ~

anyway gOt mOii paY l3.. (:


ja, mata !
3:00 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

yeah ~ lingX and miiE..
8:26 PM

inside fitting rOom (;
8:24 PM

ii nOe i'm FAT !! haha..
8:22 PM

teehee ~
8:21 PM

lingX and miiE ~
8:18 PM

I REALISED one thingy about my class

Till nOw there aint FULL attendance yet. OMG !!! that's soooO unbelievable man.. it's already gOiin 2 weeks oF schOol liaO.. and everyday there's sOoo few people who turned up for class.. tOday there's onli abOut 16 peOple in class.. 3 tables filled up onlli... gOsh!! there's even 1 guy who dint even come to sch befOre.. then there's this giRl whO came onLi onCe.. on e first daY oF sch.. theN e rest oF the schOol daYs dint sEe her le.. uhh abOut 5 absentees per day on avE.. anyway my class gOt an actOr.. haha.. he starred in heartlanders and ii nOt stUpid tOo befOre.. lOlls.. he's sean !! tOday same grOup wiiF him.. verii fUn~ cOs he's darn hilariOus.. lOlls..

erMmm sOOo hOW this cLasS gOnna be like W26R ?? still ponderiin.. ~

It's just sOOo quieT.. nObody takiin e initiative tO speak to one anOther.. sOO cOol ehh !! gUess tiLl nOw everyOne stiL 'MISS' their old class ?

well.. later gOnna gO cwp wiif weE leng.. getting sOme birthday gifts (:

and nOt fOrgettiin tOmorrOw isssShh mOmmy's birthday !! wheeee ~ <3

this aint a gOod entry ii guess? , bUt i'll try tO make up fOr it (:
8:10 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

tOdae ... is a haPpy YET sAd daY..

haPPy is i've made 1 new fren (: he's jing weii !!! sad isss I've qUit mOii jOb liaO.. cOs tOo strEss liaO.. NEW FREN---he asked rebeCca fOr mOii mSn add.. haha.. theN we began chatting (: anyway great tO nOe yOu !!

aftanOon caLled ben.. tOld him qUitting.. he kinda sad.. hahaha.. dUn ve tO sad lOrr.. nOw ii nOe why he sad liaO.. cOs he lOsing 1 DILIGENT crew mahx.. lOlls.. he saiid oK lOrr.. theN oK lOrr.. mUs retUrn e unifOrm.. maybE asked reBecca helped miiE retUrn.. kekeZ~

niwae, cUlture lesSon bOres miiE.. bUt the faci is gOod.. haha.. verY fUnny.. olsO kang wEii verY fUnny.. sOOo '' geNtlemaN'' siia.. they playing trUe oR daRE.. then he lOst.. KekkeZ~ theN fOfeit him uSe his jacKEt pUt over miiE..darn fUnny lORr.. and maKE miiE sOOo scare siia.. lOlls. aT firSt theY asked hiM gO kisS aidi.. bUt he dUn wanT.. haha.. theN hE pUt e jacKet over miiE.. theN saiid sOme fUnny wOrds.. lOL!
afTa schOol gO lecture haLl aTtend taLk.. theN saW rebeCca hOw.. then she calLed miiE.. lOlls.. sOoo lOud siia. (: then said hI tO her.. theN afta e taLk weE leng shOwed miiE e shuaii gE.. haha.. theN e shuaii ge tUrned back.. haha.. saW her pOiinting @ him.. hahaha.. verY fUnny lOrr.. theN we 2 dere laUghing.. sOoo afta e talk gO find her oUtside derE talk awhile.. tOld her ii've qUit bnj liaO.. theN she kip saYing HUH WHY !!! lOlls.. sOoo malU siia.. sOoo manY peOple lOokiin.. haha.. anYway nvm.. theN gO have refresHment.. sOoo shiOk siia.. weE leng !!! hahaha...then waNna tke caB gO cwp derhX.. bUt muX increasE 2 mOre dOllars.. then take bUs gO .. theN gO cwp 77th stReEt pierCe mOii belt.. thEn sEe alOt of niCe niCe de clOthings.. bUt nOw mUX saVe uP liaO.. caNnot anyhOw wastE mOneY.. beCCa mUX remind mE hOrx.. if we gO oUt.. mUs remind mE kkz.. haha.. theN afta taT wE gO gElaRe dere eaT iiCe-cream... bUtter oeCAn derhx.. verii niCe.. iS wEe leng trEat miiE dderhx.. *HUGS* ordered e bUtter peCan waFfle.. sOOo niCe lEii.. theN bside e aUntie sOO kpO siia.. keEp lOokiin @ us sOoo shiOng !! haha.. afta thaT she called her paPa.. theN her paPa sent wE 2 hOme.. sOoo gOod derhx .. (:

ii REALISED 1 thingy.. jUst three daYs and sOoo manY peOple viewing mOii prOfile.. e nO keeP increasiing.. lOlls.. ~

there's mOck UT tmL.. ummm...

1 mOre mOnth.. basic theOry lesSon.. shOuld ii learN or nOt..?
8:44 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006

tOdae dint gO scH siia..
gOoo pOly clinic check up.. cOs ear sOoo pain siia.. then dere sOoo many peOple.. gOtta waiit sOoo lOng.. waste time onLi.. cOs my right ear bone d3re verii pain .. scare cancer or tUmour .. haha.. theN gO check better.. then dOctor said iss infectiOn.. henG siia.. lOlls. Then gO pharmacy cOllect medicine jiu gO hOme liaO.. take caB hOme haha.. increase 2 bUcks siia.. e bUs uncLe sOoo FAN siia... keeP tOkiin .. KPO !!

next weEk maybe gOiin wee leng cOusin cOndo hse dere swim.. haha.. then caN use e gYm as well !! waNna lOse weight liaO.. nOw verii FAT le.. cOs sch reOpen liaO.. eaT a lOt siia.. admire jOlin figure (: and lOves her dance steps tO bits !! esP e wU niang dance step.. OMG !! it's sOoo awesOme (:

anyway that's all .. ja, maTa !!
7:28 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006

nice ?? lOve e colOr of e bOx (:
11:31 AM

kOnnichiwa ~

Dior lipshine (: lOve e color of e bOx.. !

anyway the sister is goiin to thailand - bangkok this comiin nOv vacation.. sOoo ENVY her siia.. cos she's haviin her vacation and she's gOiin wiif her frenzs.. cann you believe its wiif frenzs and tO a foreign land.. haha.. thats sOoo wonderful man !!

It's a five day trip for her which means ii'm gOnna miss her fOr 5 days !! awww...

tOday isss a perfect sunday !! sOoo peaceful right nOw.. haha..nO noise @ home except e noise coming from e televsion... dad watching tv and bro lazing somewhere.. and myself cruching an apple right nOw (:

That daY went civics library borrow a jap book.. haha.. wanna pick up jap.. and ii'm learning tO speak sOme of e words tO myself.. lOlls...

anyway this thursday will be ma mOmmy's birthday.. thinking of hOw tO celebrate her b'day !! maybe treating her tO dinner and stuffs ?

... 1 mOre mOnth and I'b able tO attend the basic theory for driving.. teehees.. !! cant wait man !

ja, mata !
11:13 AM