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i know it's supposed to be: it's never too late to apologize, so don't try to be a smarty-ass by correcting me.

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B&J ice-cream.brownies.
marsh-mallows fondue.
fruit tarts.amos-cookies.
Gucci/J.Lo.perfumes.♥outdoor-sports.beach volleyball. tennis.sun-tanning.scorching sun.
visitng her uncle in UK
AND not-forgetting;♥HUNTING-for-foods


Ru Guo De Shi - Angela Chang

Saturday, September 30, 2006

yesterday wOrkiin kinda fUn.. haha.. bUt darn exhausting la.. wOrkiin halfway suddenly head sOoo pain siia.. dOnnO why.. then asked manager caN gO ofF early ma.. he said CAN.. then gO hm wiiF becca nash and fir.. thinkiin of quitting sOon.. afta scH rush hOme theN gO wORk liaO ..sii bEii streSs siia.. untiL aLl my pimples pOpping oUt again.. cant reaLli take e stress nimore.. schOol gOt tesTs cOming up le.. scH activities like meEtings afta sch olsO..

ii NEED a BREAK pls !!!
1:25 PM

rebecca's tee... taken in 'glow in e dark' shop (:
12:46 PM

12:45 PM

even mOii white shoe's lace and his shoe glowsss ...
12:43 PM

fir's shirt... glow in e dark ~
12:39 PM

miiE and charming fir...
12:36 PM

cOnverse rOcksss !!
12:33 PM

fir, miiE and nash ..
12:30 PM
Friday, September 29, 2006

Eye issSH sOoo pAiinfUL siiA.. :"(

nOt enOugh slEep siia.. nOw in class air con sOoo high... supEr cOld siia.. even fEel like sleEping leii.. sOoo tiiriin siia.. fEel like slEepiin liaOoo oOorhh.. .. yTd reaLly tiiriin .. rushed here n derE..reaChed hOme 1 am liaO.. waNna change nEw jOb liaO ooRhh ..

iin cLass nOw.. secOnd breakOut liaO.. tOday maths mOdule.. cOmplete ppt liaO.. sOoo here tO blOg.. haha.. lUcky jOrdan nOe alOt abOut baskEtball thingy.. then big help tO oUr grOup siia.. KEkekZ~

nOthiin mUch tO blog anyway.. it's just another typiCAl day in schOol.. sOo cYA.. :)

12:20 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

tOday in class very fun?? cOs e faci is darn fUnny lah.. kekeZ~.. cant stop laughing siia.. hahahha..niwae ii really speak up alOt in class these days as compared tO in e past.. cOol !! ii'm olsO quite happy tOo.. even ma cUlture faci olsO said .. '' I can sense that you were quite engaged in the learning process today by being active in team and class discussions.'' haha.. ii swear ii talk alOt these daYs.. nO longer e quiet gal tat ii used tO be.. thOugh at times i'm quiet :) niwae gOt all Bs.. fOr 3 mOdules so far..

niwae e enterprise faci..she's funny yet wild .. we cant msn in class.. if nOt she'll pOur water in ur laptOp.. tO make it spOil faster cOke may helps tOo.. haha.. but she's gOod.. she keep rewarding all of us with sweets fOr been gOod.. :)

then ma fren msn me ii cant reply siia.. sOoo sOrry hOrx.. ma apologies tO eU guys.. !!

then duriiin second meeting she asked e class who's wOrkiin and aLl.. then miiE and sOme other raised uP our hand.. then ii share wiif ma class.. stOry bOut miiE.. haha.. lOves shariin stOry tO others.. lOlls.. ehh then tOld e class ii wOrkiin @ nighT saFArii .. haha.. selling bnj iice - cream.. then e faci gOes oh reaLly... lOls.. gOt a few lOves bnj iice -cream 2Oo.. pRetty evon olsO saY wanna wOrk @ there.. haha.. then e faci said gOt sell tUb de ma.. she waNna bUy siia.. haha.. then asked me gOt discOunt de ma.. lOls. ii saiid 35 %.. then say oh lidat ii wanna be friends wiiF eU liaO... then asked the whole class tO be friend wiif me..haha..nOw e whOle class nOe ii wOrkiin dere liaO.. make sUre theY cOme find me if they gOtta e time aight ? :)

well presentation was fine.. but everyday same thingy kinda sianz lOrr..

tOdae afta sch wanna gO jing ying sch hOstel derhx.. bUt meeting wee leng.. sOo chge tO next wk liaO.. then meeting wee leng.. take cab tO ma hse.. haha.. theN she cOme my hse while waiting fOr her dad tO fetch her.
Sooo she came and we zii liaN again.. hahaha..

gOiin have ma dinner le.. sEe eU !!
7:16 PM

teehee :) wEe leng n mOii.. @ ma hse..
6:43 PM

bOoo !!
6:39 PM

waiting iice cream tO be serve tO our table xD
6:34 PM

nO 6 ROcks ~
6:21 PM

mine !!! hOt fudge sundaE :)
6:16 PM

aii nii de.. sOy choco waffle ~
6:09 PM

cherry strawberry waffle ~
6:05 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

\\ __ schOol__ //

thiS websitE isss cOol... http://yandao.com/photos caN find ur ex scH mates frens etc.. .. feEl frEe tO check iT oUt ya.. :)

it's olsO trU tiis websiTe fOund oUt taT e gUy iss actUally frOm wEii ann cLasS derhx.. lOlls sOOo fUnny siia.. dInt nOe taT e gUy he sayiin is ii nOe olsO.. haha.. wad a smaLl wOrld siia.. olsO heard lOtx oF stOries bOut him as wEll.. kekekz. tOdae walkiin tO cwp wiiF beCca and aii nii.. theN gOssiping and he aCtuaLli walked behind uS... sOoo scarY siia.. haha.. sOoo weird derhx.. samE IG aS him eveN wOrse.. everytiME siit besidE him derhx..

let mE asK eU gUys sOme qUs.. caN eU stand sOme 1 whO wOre e samE panTs and clOthes tO schOol fOr 5 daYS and dInt wash ?? NO right ? thEn faci gavE C olsO cry.. haha.. c'om eU're a gUy lEii.. a bit stiLl crY.. dOtx..

fOur days in school le.. beginning tO be nOisy liaO.. haha.. gOod improvement yea ? ehh.. at least it's a compliment cOs it's nOt sO quiet like e past 2 days..

they guys beginning tO make frens wiif one anOther.. plaYing dOta tOgether .. heh.. cOol.. and makiin lOtsa nOise as well.. !! shawn came over and make fren wiif me .. haha.. cOol.

as fOr e girls.. makiin new frens tOo.. heh.. tOday make 2 new frens.. mainly sandy and jing ying.. twO chiio bU.. still gOt tml.. hOpiin tO be in e same grp wiif those aint same group before.. maybe gOiin ard asking em fOr their mSn cOntacts as well.. lOlls. we shall c :)

saW jOvii in e ladies.. helpiin her dO e lens thingy.. then cherii mEii camE find us.. then afta thaT wEnt nOw have a graB..

tOmorrOw ladies' nighT.. haha.. feEl like gOiin siia.. anyOne gOiin ??

culture lesson was kinda fUn siia.. haha.. esp sOme grOups .. ehh especially shawn's grp.. darn hilariOus man !! kekkeZ~

tOmorrow enterprise mOdule..

afta schOol went cwp have gelare iice cream.. tOdae tUes.. half price..:) sOoo sianz olsO.. nOt in the mOod tO blog olsO..

seE ya ~
7:06 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006

another typical day in schOol. sOoo bOriin siia..

while waiting for frens to finish class, roamed along the corridor and saw many of ma frens and ex sch mates.. jamEs, wei ann and alice cOme find miiE.. we chat awhile.. then afta that blake came. Finally get tO meet blake.. he pass me e present frm vietnam.. haha.. thanks for the present :) kawaii leiis. then went tO meet suOn teng.. bOught contact lens frOm taiwan derhx.. theN she passed tO miiE.. e lens is blacK cOlor derhx.. wear liaO wiLl makE yOur eyes big big derhx.. :) e lens costed 60 bUcks siia.. bUt can wear fOr 1 yeaR lEiis.. haha.

tOday kang weii wanna walk hOme wiif miiE derhx.. then ii asked him gO off first cOs he meeting another fren.. then miiE and blake went off.. went tO meet chErii mEii and rebeCca.. afta that walk tO causeway pOint.. sOoo HOT siia.. kang weii saw blake and miiE.. then in msn he tOt is ma bf siia.. lOlls.. ii wiif which eva guy meaning is ma bf arhx ? lOls. then in msn he asked miiE gOt bf ma.. ii said nO.. kekeZ~.. then he said eU this typE sure have de lOrx.. lOls.. haha.. berii fUnny.. wad eU mean bY this typE?? caN speciFy ma ?? he stiLl said ii lYing tO him.. theN kip asking miiE.. haha.. then he asked miiE agaIn and again................ lOlls !

manY peOple tOt ii realli gOt bf siia..

anyway schOol seem fine ? bUt this semestEr e mOdule aLl like sOoo chim siia.. ermm tOday sPore pOly start schOol le..

gOiin revise ma wOrk liaO.. tata :)
8:23 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006

tOday best fren pang sehx me siia.. wtf... sOoo angry nOrhx..

ermm anyway tOday went cwp in e aftanoOn.. went tO meEt her.. bUt she dint cOme siia.. heLl leii.. then mE wait fOr her sOoo lOng siia.. olsO dUnno hOw zhi dOng caLl me derhx.. theN ii gO civics centre bOrrow bOoks first.. heLp sis bOrrow some health bOoks.. and miiE bOrrowed a japanes e guide bOok.. teaching eU hOw tO speak jap.. cOol.. waNna learn jap.. mUx savE uP firsT..

then afta bOrrow she stiLl dint caLl me.. kaOz.. then ii went hOme liaO.. then reached hOme she called miiE.. then ii bUe sOng her.. haha.. very fUnny lOr..

becca went fOr stayover last night @ plaza sing.. like berii fUn siia.. tOO bad ii dint gO.. ehh.. GV haLl 9 is haunted siia.. heard tat gOt little gal derhx.. OH mY gOD... next time i'b gOiin dere.. take a lOok .. maybe gO as a grOup.. then wiLl nOt be scare liaO.. my fren even wOrse siia.. chUn yan.. he went Old changi hOspitaL plaY catching wiif his fens all.. lOlls.. can u imagine playing catching in e cold yet chilling rOom.. a place where the cOrpse used tO lived :S.. darn freaky man !

anyway mC kOr tOday gO find jian wEii olsO dint caLl me gO derhx.. sOoo SUX de lOrr.. lolS. then jian wei asked him whyy ii didnt gO siia.. next sUn then gO find eU lOrr.. if ii frEe.. bUt next sUn guang rOng invite miiE gO his church lEii.. nOt sure miiE gOiin ma.. anybody wanna gO as welL ?? haha.. hOpe gUang rOng can jOin slc olsO.. gOt him ard berii fun bahx.. misS his presence in clasS.. farhati, jOhn and e rest.. the laUghters tat we've shared :) and the fun we've created !!!

last friday class is fUn.. make new frens olsO :) jOrdan and zahid.. maths faci iss li yan.. he's frm china.. then went ard tO take measurements wiif ma team members.. then went inside lin ming class.. very fUnny lOrr.. misS his presence tOo .. his class gOt 1 s'pOre idOl.. tOok his measurement.. then tat lin ming soooO fUnni siia.. saY he's s'pOre idOl.. better dOn gO mOlest him aLl.. dOtx.. then when leaving he asked miiE my clasS gOT chio bU ma.. haha.. then ii said yeahh.. then he said maths module he came tO mOii class take measurement.. lOlls.. niwae his class is jUx right oPp minE.. :)

tOmorrOw there's schoOl again.. its cognitive mOdule,.. heard tat it's very CHIM..

anyway grade fOr science mOdule is oUt.. ii leave my faci a very greaT impressiOn siia.. lOlls.. gOt a B anyway :) nOw aiming fOr As...

9:30 PM
Saturday, September 23, 2006

firstly ii dO apOlogise for the blurred picts :) ii duno why it turned out this way !! :(

anyway miiE gOt slc oUting tOday. today really have fun at GRACEHAVEN hOme. It's a place for those child which have problems due to shoplifting, abuse etc.. and they're range from as young as 5 years old to 16 years old. Meet jaclyn and 5 other at amk ctrl station @ 820am. The 3 of us arrived on time but somehow they're the ones who're late. sOoo good of em ya? then let us wait fOr bOut 20 mins.. then we're perspiring away all.. kekekz~

They reached and we boarded bus 74 and alight right afta bOwen sec. The home is @ Hougang. Then dennis and the rest arrived. We went in.. have a small chat wif the head.. then afta that pay a visit to the girls. The gals are kinda rowdy. Cos we're outside the dining area dere and they're playing and shouting away.. then they SCOLD vulgarities @ their friends. haha. quite a few lOok sOoo ah lians. :S gOt TATOOS above the butt area when they actually lifted up their shirt to wipe their sweat off . some even have tatoos on their legs as well as arm. then we're all like sooOO scare liaO.. haha.. the worst thingy was tat we scare tat they'll hit us.. lOlls.. they yOng quan said mUst be mentally and physically prepared.. yeah!!

Then we proceed to the compound area and played some games wif the gals. Firstly we played big wind blow.. then blow wat.. in chi version is da fong shui, shui cher mo.. the gals have great fun ii guess ? then afat tat played ice breaking.. there's a cloth in between.. then one side is rp derhx and e other is frm gracehaven derhx.. then once e cloth is pulled dOwn, we gOtta say out the other party's name.. haha.. and there's some arguing afta that..

What ii observed them.. they might seem fierce.. some have attitude.. dOn really open up tO you.. there's even a fight gOiin on.. one gals wiif an indian gal.. dUnno whyy.. they pushing one another.. omg.. ii'm afraid tat she'll push her down e stairs.. cos we're at e compound and they're at the top dere.. thus one of her fren called her not to fight.. cos she already have a lOt case liaO.. dUnno siia.. !! Then afta the ice breaking game, we proceed to the dining area and we( rp students) are tld to buddy them.. you choose the gals which might click wiif you.. thus sat at e corner there and chat wiif em.. Jaclyn and mOii chose 4 gals.. mei juan, sharon, a 13 yr old and another 15 yr old.. dUnno their name le.. oh ya and they actually lied to us bout their names..we asked em wat their name and all.. and they actually told us this particcular name.. but their frenz called em is another name.. lOlls.. and when they realised that ii nOe they're lying they kinda like sOOo pai sehx lahz.. haha..

i'll tell ya more about em.. firstli one of em left me a great impression is e sweet 15 yr old gal.. her name is sharon.. she's olso e one who's fighting wiif the indian gal.. she have since quit school liaO.. she's now workiin @ pizza hUt.. she looks sweet and looks like an ah lian which ii yhink she's one.. who's always tokking soo loudly and all.. howeva e gd side of her is tat she did realised her mistakes and all.. the other is mei jun.. this gal seems sooo innocent to me siia.. cant believe she will dOO all these stuffs :( well got tatoos on her hand.. and she's nOw undergOiin laser treatment to remove the tatoos.. as school actually don allow students to have tatoos. she's schooling at e same time tOo. we also talked bout our boyfriends as they actually asked us.. haha.. then we told em as well.. cool.. they even said tat they stead wif a guy for 1 day nia.. jus play play onli.. cOol ans hOrx.. another said few hOurs onli.. anyway, ve a good chat wiif the gals :)
So from monday to friday, they're supposed to come striaght to e home right after school / work.. only on weekends they'b allowed to go back to their OWN homes.. and their stay at the home is bout a year.. it's depending on your cOnduct!!

They might seem rebellious ........ but they're jus a human being like us..... what they really need is TIME and encouragement i guess..?

and sOoo afta the chat session wiif em, mei juan actually asked us to leave our contact no.. haha.. sOo that if she has e time, she'll call and chat wiif us.. in which i'm kinda touched.. :) howeva we're told by e head tat we're nOt to exchange nO wiif em.. and nO photo taking.. cos of some reasons ii guess.. sOoo nO pichas wiif e girls.. if not i'll upload it..

we're wiif em for two and half hours.. and when we actually left right, they actually thank us for coming tO visit em. got one even asked us to come everyday which we cant.. and..

soOoo the next visit is next sat..

i'll tell ya mOre the next visit aight:)
7:58 PM

@ wisma atria walking when jacyln took my back view ! lOlls..
7:54 PM

SLC rOX... !!
7:51 PM

seeing her will let me remind of ma bestiie , JASMINE !! they jux look so alike ?
7:37 PM

7:35 PM

again.. haha..
7:33 PM

taking picha of our '' SEXY" legs.. hehs..
7:31 PM

kinda blur.. miiE and jaclyn.. gr8 frenz :)
7:27 PM

Two CHIO BUs.. Jaclyn and michelle :))
7:24 PM

Their sexy backs. walking to gracehaven..
7:20 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006

schOol REOPEN tOday.. !!

thOugh im exhausted, bUt ii prOmise tO update :) sooO im here to blog thoug its 12 06 am right nOw.

tOday went schOol. the feeling is kinda strange. ii dunO whyy.. anyway tOday reached school at 8 10am. Then when ii entered class some classmates are already there. sooO ii dUno where to sit.. then anyhOw siit.. tOt tat is a gaL.. bUt afta some time realised that he's a gUy. LOLLS.. haha.. darn hilarious la :S ..

the people is really different as compared to mOii previOus class.. cOs e people seems kinda weird and fierce fOr quite a few.. .. maybe cOs today 1st day of class.. niwae, ii'll observe fOr a few more days.. anyway i'll get tO knOw em better :)

sUrprisingly , ii did vOice out in class.. aint fearful as ii used tO be.. though b4 e presentation ii kept telling my team mates that im scare.. haha. 1 mOnth dint present le.. then sudd present.. like nOt used tO it siia.. kekekZ~

anyway during breakout mOii ex class mates msn me.. cOol.. asked me my class hOw and all.. ii tOld em ii still prefer W26R.. and they tOld me e same thingy tOo !! well... nO matter what.. this is fate.. sOoo we mux accept it nO matter wad.. gOt 1 even feel like quitting sch nOw.. !! ii told him this aint a gd chOice. :(
hOpe he can think pOsitively k :)

during first breakout still meet cheri and rebecca for breakfast :) hehes. miss em tOnnes.

well tOday my team members are quite gOod.. hehes. wei kang and winnie and rUi yan. they're friendli ... we tok and crap alOt.. tOO bad another gUy aint here.. fOrgot his name liaO.. bUt e fOur of us stiLl present well as a team *CLAPS*.. 1st day.. yet tOok sOme pichas wif em.. bUt onLi uplOad one.. kekekZ~..

and so.... tats it.

jUs nOw afta sch went fOr slc meeting. afta that gO hOme put lappy and get chged then went fOr wOrk liaO.. sOo rushiin siia.. berii tired leiis.. niwwae, alOt of activities on this sat :) gOiin orphanage and a stayover at ps wiif API members..charming ralph llyod gOiin wiif me.. jUx nOw he sent miiE hOme.. haha.. ii saw him when gOiin wOrk.. then ii sms him telling him ii saw him.. he said yeah its him... then when ii knocked off, alighted at e 913 bus stop he saw me this time. he kinda shocked.. mE olsO lOrrs.. berii fUnny.. .. he sent miiE hOme.. lOlls.. reaLly sOoo coincidence siia.. saw hiM twiCe a daY..

anyway thats abt it.. tink i gOtta sleEp nOw.. if nOt tmL late fOr schOol..

tata ! gOodnight !
12:32 AM

wInnie and myself :)
12:20 AM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

// _ nOw feEling sOoo scared n anxiOus siia.. _ \\

tomorrow schOol reOpen liaO.. sOoo siianz derhx. haha. nO chioce !! one mOnth hOlidays past bY jUx lidat... berii fast siia.. :S

tmL think will reach class ard 8am.. think i'b e first to reach class again. lols. cos my papa gOiin wOrk then send me tO sch first. well this kinda feeling is exactly e same as that time.. last sem.. duriin orientation taT time. hahas. ii swear !!

ii stiLl rem last sem olsO feeling darn nervous.. e feeling is undescrible. heh.

tOmorrow is science mOdule.. gosh.. first lesson is science.. tats coOl. :)

anyway aint same class wiif any of my frenzs whom ii've know frm rp as well . tat's kinda sad though. nOt even blake ai ni jOvii pOsic or wee leng ... !! .. anyway blake bought me a present from vietnam. hahas. sO sweet of him.. dUnno wad lai derhx.. thanks anyway :)

well that's not much to blOg today.. gOnna prepare ma stuffs for schOol.. ii'll update again tmL..

seE yOu !!
1:18 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today went oUt wiif mC kOr kOr.. went to seng kang siia.. compass pOint .. cOs we went dere find jian weii.. cOs he in trOuble lerhx.. its abOut some thingy lOrr. nOt convenient tO say here lahz. he wOrking at the TimezOne dere. Then we boarded bus 965 from int. When reached le jian weii saw me.. he kena shocked siia. He dint nOe ii olsO fOllow mOii kOr kOr gO find him. hahas. berii fUnny lOrr.. eU gO see his lOok. Then said hi to him lOrr.. Then kOr kOr pang sehx miiE siia.. he gO plaY game.. then ii alOne at there watching him play.. sOoo siianz siia. Then gO find jian weii at e cOunter dere.. chatting wiiF him. hahas. ii tOld jian weii onli stupid ppl will waste these kinda money playiin these kind of games. bUt he wanna prOve me wrOng..lOlls. mC kOr sooo waste mOney derhx lOrr.. spend sOoo mucH jUs wanna caught e stitch soft tOy.. afta cOuntless time, he finally wOn one.. then he saiid see lEii.. stupid mahx.. lOlls. the pict is right afta this entry :) Then ii olsO plaY daytOna n bb wiif kOr ..

Then afta that left le. gO makan siia.. afta that headed back tO causeway pOint find my gan mei mei.. yUe xiia.. she went nOkia care cOllect earpierce.. sOo gO find her wiiF mOii kOr kOr.. then afta a while mC kOr left le.. me n gan meii gO shOp shOp at cwp.. went tO gelare bUy ice cream.. tUes half price mahz.. lOlls. Afat that headed to civics centre.. we in e library chatted fOr 1hOur then jiu gO hOme liaO.. Then when crOssing e road saw ex malay sch mates. They called me.. then said hi 2 em. amzar marne and atiqah.. marne said ii nOw very CHIO liaO.. haha.. izit..really mehhs.. dUn think sOo lEii.. stilL e same lOrx.. except tat ii dye mOii hair le.. :)

This time saw GLADYS.. she called me.. ii said hi and smiled at her.. she wiiF her bf siia.. :)

Then walked to interchge saw kai lin this time.. she called miiE siia.. smiled at her then went off liaO.. cOs she olsO in a rush.. then yUe xiia meii say ii gOt sOoo many friends derhx.. lOlls.

Anyway tOday nOe my sem 2 class liaO... W25J.. any oNe same class as me ma..? Mr Lem if you're reading this , u teaching this class?? ... hOpefully e class can turn out to be like the previous W26R.. + PRAY HARD+

really hOpe e people is as gd as those in w26R.. :)
9:01 PM

oN the way tO seng kang... taken @ adm.. bO liaO.. muahaha..
8:54 PM

this is wad mC kOr kOr WON derhx @ timezOne.. afta spending bUcks on it.. lOlls..
8:49 PM

cOmpass pOint.. lOok sOoo much like caUseway pOint siia..
8:41 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006

It's 4 in the morning right now and i cant get to sleep. sO was blOgging and chatting wiiF jOseph at e same time.. I slept at 8 last night and woke up in e middle of e night coz of BAD FLU.. really cant breathe siia.. haha..

anyway here to blog again. Blogging has since become an addiction for me. is it good or bad ? blogging has since become quite an IN thing for teenagers or even adults nowadays. ii dunno why i jux cant stOp blogging for a day. haha. anyway, ii love reading pretty dawn's blog and i m a great fan of her :) whereas my other friends still prefer reading wendy aka xiaxue's blog ..
sometimes ii tend to read my about mOii past entries and it can be really interesting. e times when ii get screwed up when preparing for o's. e silly thing ii did n stuffs . e happy times ii had wiif mOii homies. haha. I've been blogging since last year.. till now, it's like 1 and half year of blogging liaO.. TIME FLIES , don't you think so?
4:10 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006

jOseph and miiE ..
7:33 PM

Hi... welcOme tO Ben and Jerry's. may ii hElp eU ?
7:31 PM

miiE and jOseph again :)
7:30 PM

uS slacking away ..
7:24 PM


anyway yesterday on e way to work went to caUsewaY pOint awhile. went tO trim mOii hair.. cos e ends like not very nice liaO.. afta that headed to mandai.. jOseph wOrkiin ytd.. beri fun siia.. we keep di siao(ing) one another .. LOlls..

Today is my cousin birthday. Juz now went over to his house to celebrate his b'day wiif mOmmy and brother. My another cousin Eileen was olso there. lols. so i wont be bored anyway. kekeZ~

Anyway when ii reached his house. everyone was kinda shocked when they see me. haha. my hair color shocked em bahz.. lOlls.. cos it have been pretty long since ii last see em. ii rem e last time we met, my hair color is stilL black.. kekeZ~

have loads of fun at his house. we played pool as his house has e pool table thingy. really cool siia.. ii scored pretty well though among e four other people.. a total of 3 balls went in.. whereas e rest scored none.. yeah~!!

anyway it was a fun day and not forgetting I've stuffed myself with a lot of food too. Besides, I've met up wif a senior and junior olso from riverside derhx. haha.. cOlin and Tze shun.. lOll.s.. have a short chat wiif em..

Oh ya.. today I've also ...


left three more days and sem 2 will start again. that's pretty fast man !! Well let me recall what ii did during this hols?

honestly speaking ii dint study at all during this 1 month break. I've been slacking here and there. Besides, I've been working, hanging out with friends and blogging. goiin shopping toO.. have been spending quite alot as well.. dOtx.. been to a lot of places as well.. all over s'pOre.. north south east and west.. Lolls..

ii mux say ii've been enjoing a lot during this while.. also meeting friends which ii think i've no chance meeting em anYmOre.. but in e end we still met !! reaLly happy tO see em again.. :)

school starts again which means ii gotta pull up my socks again. besides olso gotta meet more new friends as i'b in new class.. needless to say.. ii love meeting new friends.. oh ya.. during this hols' break, ii met quite a lot of new people as well.. and they're fun loving people .. *huggies*

ii guess i will blog till here for today! soooO see ya again !!

6:42 PM

I'm back to update again !

jUx a sum up of what ii did on friday night !!

firstly headed to far east buy some stuffs. heh. went to buy VOO DOO DOLLS. darn kawaii siia.. ii bought 1 and she bought one for herself too. Afta that headed to heeren buy bag. Finally found myself a bag liaO.. hehehs. Afta that went inside new urban mail shop.. sOoo many yan dao siia.. sO cute derhx.. sun shine olso.. but they abit shy .. haha.. cos they distrubute e flyers bout some zouk thingy. anyway they darn handsome lOrr.. :)

well friday night is super fun siia.. lOlls.. ehh afta that headed to ps watch LITTLEMAN wiif becca.. haha.. that show is darn hilarious laz.. really.. ii swear :) almos e whole cinema is filled with laughter.. KekeZ~

afta e movie headed to somerset find wei ann and wee leng derhx.. but we went robinson find em bt cant find em siia.. then ii called em.. they not working here today.. sOoo sad !! v was walking along centrepoint when ii heard someone calling my name.. and ii turned around and realised that it was 3 hunks.. my sec sch frenz cum class mates for 3 sub years.. ehh Amzar, Kelvin Lee and Andi.. haha.. they still rem me.. lOlls.. then smiled at em.. well.. afta that headed to somerset meet dOnna and yUe xiia.. then headed to orchard shopping have our dinner.. @ SAKURA..

cool.. we ate alot of stuff.. until super full siia.. becca even went to e ladies' to vomit everything.. haha..

afta that left e place and walked along orchard road.. fun.. cool.. relaxing.. afta that boarded a train to cityhall.. gOiin esplanade.. we did alot of stupid pose until those passer b saw and gave us some funny look.. haha.. they kip staring at us.. gOt 1 cOuple even laughed at us.. lOlls.. who cares anyway.. it's not like its an offence to take pictures right.. haha.. thus we tOok lotsa pictures. ii ve since uploaded em..

sOoo enjOy viewing those pichas.. anyway FRIDAY really fun wOrx.. sO enjOyiin siia.. :)
2:26 AM
Saturday, September 16, 2006

Oooopps ~
10:38 AM

gOiin hOme tOok de..
10:37 AM

KIASU de uS.. haha.. tOok sOoo manY fOod aT oNe gO..
10:35 AM

mOii Self-made ice cream..
10:33 AM

rebeCca , miiE and cUtiie dOnna.
10:30 AM

yUexia and mOii ~
10:29 AM

this is what we gals like tO dO in e ladies'
10:26 AM

10:24 AM

10:23 AM

10:20 AM

the Unseparated FOUR .. hehs.
10:18 AM

finaLly e rain stOpped... in which smth caUght my eyes..
10:16 AM

sOoo COOL siia.. hOw ii WISH I'b able to drive in this one day ;)
10:14 AM

reacHing espLanade sOon !!!
10:13 AM

miiE and xiaO mEii yUe xia.. <3
10:11 AM

nOrth sOuth easT and wEst..
10:10 AM

dOnna and rebecCa..
10:09 AM

yUe xiia and miiE..
10:08 AM

uS trying tO POSE exactly e same as those pOsters behind us.. bUt somehOw alOt of passer by kip staring lOoking n laughing at us.. darN hilarious lah.. kekeZ~
10:05 AM