Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Aww. wad had happen to my tagboard ??! Can't see anything !!!!!!!!!!!
5:36 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I scored a pathetic D7 for physics!!! ARGHHHHH -47.5Today got back physics paper. Passed both physics pap 1 n 2 and i'm quite surprised I've pass becoz majority had failed . The only thing which pulled my grade totally down was the ** science practical. I'm freaking pissed off. Can you imagine I scored two upon fifteen for d sci pract ? And seriously I do. I scored only two... I know I only have myself to blame. But frankly speaking I found the science pract tedious. Actually don't really understand what the question is saying abt. Guess my dreams of getting into the three months jc have already been shattered ='( A D7 for science is simply alot though I'm not sure how I fare for my chem. Don't really dare tell my parents esp my mom bcoz such result will only break her heart. Guess I really need to study really hard from now onwards. There aint much time to waste, since O level was left wit only 41 DAYS ~SO most probably my blog will be on a hiatus again becozI WANT TO MAKE IT TO JC !!!!!!!!Enuff abt the result thingy.Today PE was really fun. We went to the gymnasium to do some workout. Yup. Anyway I'm not in the mood to blog. Thts all for today. Im off.
4:45 PM
Monday, September 26, 2005
Indulge in my favourite Cravio cookie crumble :)Hmm just now suddenly feel the urge to have ice-cream. So afta sch , headed straight to 7 eleven to buy ice-cream. *yeah* It was another typical school day. The assembly was darn boring. Exam Briefing for secondary one to three. Then the rest of us were sort of...!The teacher told us that we could not receive our script back. We gotta wait till next monday. However, today we got back the prelim art already. I'm pretty satisfied wit my grade. I scored a distinction :) A2.It was such a pity because two more marks to A1. I scored 73. Hmm the highest was 74 . Yup.. think so..Nevertheless, there was quite a number who scored A2. Next monday will be a busy day i guess ? the whole class gotta headed straight to ngee ann polytechnic to do the maths online questions. Awww.. Erm there aint any focus study today. Hooray !!! Becoz its darn tiring. ^ ^ yesterday I slept around one plus ! Somehow I just cannot sleep. Howeva , i'm still hoping there aint any focus study tomorrow. There isn't much to blog today. Guess I'm off ! cya =]
6:08 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
My Horoscope for today :]Let your mind wander today. Letting go of the feeling that you're in control of everything could be very liberating. A family member could be responsible for showing you how to do something that requires you to let go of your inhibitions. Try some new dance moves, or sing goofy songs that make you laugh like crazy. Tonight, the smile you wear will turn out to be your hottest accessory.
3:26 PM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
The day started off wit healthy lifestyle in school. We did Taebo in the school hall. It rocks~ muahaha. Then afta HL, we were given free ice-cream. This was mainly becos the school had received two awards. woohooo !!! well done Riverside :) Class was fine and btw YOUSOF , can u pls stop calling me a ballerina gurl okay ??!
Hmm last two days had been fine yet hilarious , I guess. On thurs , the teacher is darn hilarious. wahaha. The things he spoke and did !!! lolx. Well Im not saying it into details what actually happened becos it's REALLY LAME !!! Right now wheneva I recall , I can't stop laughing. keke. Yesterday boarded a train back wit peiling and aInI . It was ten pm. The train stopped at kranji station to allow the passengers to enter the train. There were soooooo many people boarding the train at this stop. Most of them are uncles , ah peks or even blangadesh. Some of them were drunk and you could even get to smell the strong liquor on em. Once the cool air was now filled with the stench. *yucks* Basically, its stink !!! Well enuff of that ~
Then headed to causeway pt wit em. It took us rather long to decide which fastfood outlet to go to. Our final decison ( we headed to mac) . Then reached home at 2320pm.
Mom and brother had already sleep by then. Dad wasn't at home. The sister was at orchard watching movie wit frenz. Guess its the new korea movie -The red shoe) . So I was watching JU On in the dark alone. haha. Actually its rather boring lo. Yup :)
Most probably I'll be watching the red shoe , I guess. Those who wanna watch call me along okay ??!
Tht's all for d updatez ! cya ~
10:51 AM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Today was a bore$BlogItemTitle$>
I shouldn't have attend school today. Firstly its because there ain't any lessons going on in class. Its quite boring. The teachers are still busy marking our scripts and we're left to do our own revision and all. Secondly ,there are quite a number of absentee. However I still make it to school because I miss my friends all.
It had been raining for the past few days. So the weather was rather chilly. It rained heavily afta school , thus I was sheltering peiying to the bus-stop. Then I was unfortunate enough to board this bus. Guess wad ??! It break down somewhere in the middle of the road. lolx. The front door of the bus could not shut at all. Thus , delayed everybody's time... Fortunately there aint any quarrel going on. After about fifteen mins or so , the bus driver asked everyone to get down the bus and board another bus. Thats all for today , I guess.
Hmmm mom is back. Im going to have my lunch now. cya !
2:37 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I'm glad to be blogging again$BlogItemTitle$>
The past few days have been hard. Hmmm the prelims have finally ended. I am glad to be back here to blog again. teehee...Well, firstly I wanna say a big thank you to aInI with the help of the blogskin thingy. cya on thurs , ya?! :)There ain't any school today because there isnt any paper , thus need not return school. I must say that doing exam in the hall for a week or so isnt that great at all because its super noisy and hot. The school hall is facing a primary school. Thus, the kids there are making far too much noise and mainly those seating at the edge tend to get affected by the noise. sad to say I'm just one of them. However, I still prefer doing exams in my own classroom. There's school tomorrow. I wonder which exam scripts we'll be receiving tomorrow. Eng ?! SS?! Geo?! god knows. so we shall see. Yesterday science tution was fun . (Without the guy around) We did some experiment on crystallisation. The blue crystal is beautiful. Then a guy came to class. He's okay looking , i guess. He's a chinese. 19 years old. He seemed to be an attention-seeker. *no offence* He suddenly start talking to the three of us. Then we're like... lolx. Peiyun , next week ignore him okay ?! Peiling is better. She past a sarcastic comment on him. lolx. Then the dude was like ''wa lau very hurt leh blah blah'' n all...What make us mad was that the things he talk are unreasonable and LAME !!! After finished eating he still got the cheek to ask peiling throw the wrappers for him. Then in my heart I was lyk , hey u're a guy u know. How can you treat a girl like this ???!!!! Like treating her as your slave or wad !! It rained yesterday. The weather is cold yet he keep complaining that he's hot. Then peiling went to adjust the fan cos we're feeling cold. Yet he said ''don't want leh. hot leh. '' He got the guts to say he wanted to remove his shirt n all. omg this guy...!!!!! FULL OF CRAPS !!! Frankly speaking, I detest this kind of guys. Then he went on to chat with the malay girls sitting next and behind him. As i'm sitting in front of him, then I overheard his conversation with the malay girls that he's looking for someone to take the ferris wheel ride with him. lolx.
I wonder how the lesson will still carry on next week with him around. CURIOUS !!!so that's the update for today. I'm off ~
1:53 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Don't worry. . .I'll be back ~$BlogItemTitle$>
The prelim are nearing and most probably, my blog will be on a hiatus.
Since studying will be taking up most of my time...
well so take care n cya !
11:29 PM
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Jas lk muscular. keke.
10:24 PM

I like this effect. kinda cool v
10:21 PM

we lk like this when we're a malay !
10:20 PM

History of spore.
12:59 PM

12:58 PM

Taken in d ladies ~
12:54 PM

I took this shot for Jas. Not bad eh ?!
12:43 PM
Fun Day At Clarke Quay !$BlogItemTitle$>
Today I went to Clarke Quay in the aftanoon. The friend wanted to try out the G-max thingy or so called bungy ride ? Thus, I met her at 12pm. Hmm as usual , she's late. or should I say Im early ?! wateva it is... well met her at harbourfront mrt station. We board a train to clarke quay. It was just a stop , so we alighted. The weather damn humid. Haha so now im suffering slight sun-burn.
We walked past the underpass... then saw the boats in the river and decided to take a ride too. We went to the booth selling the tickets. It costed $12.60 for adults and $6.6o for children. There was a thirty minutes and forty-five minutes ride. Instead , we chose the thirty-minutes ride. The boat had arrived. . . We told the uncle that we're alighting at clarke quay. We chose the front seat. There were three americans in the boat too. Guess they're most probably tourists. We past by the Singapore river , esplanade and finally we reached Clarke Quay. The friend and myself took quite a number of photographs. teehee.
Finally we reached our destination. Clarke Quay. Both of us were starving like hell, thus we headed to Liang court for our lunch. We had mac. Afta lunch we went to a shop selling stuffs mainly for the tourists. Without any hesitation , we went in though we're not a toursit. haha. We just browse through those stuffs and left the shop.
We walked miles and finally reached the G-max booth. Lolx. There aint anyone trying it at all. Both of us have no guts to try though we had said earlier that we're trying it. Haha wateva d reason is lax. Anyway the ride is expensive. Just a two mins ride will cost you 35 bucks. Izzit worth it ?
We just sat near the river for the time to pass quickly. Observe every american passing by. Well I must complimented those american. They're not hostile at all. In fact they're very nice dude.
One american walked past us and he suddenly said HELLO to us. Did he give us a scare ? Haha I think so...Then asked us where we're from and all. We told them we're from singapore. He replied , " oooh singapore. '' Well by the way , he's from Holland.
Then we headed back to admiralty for some desserts. I ordered myself a vanilla cone ice-cream.
To my horror ,saw someone I shouldnt have see. The Humanities teacher. lolx. I think she saw me. haaa. dunno lax.
1 message received. It was the sister. She was at orchard with her frenz and heard about the murder case. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! This is freaking scary. Another murder case happened.. .. .. Just now I watched the channel u news..Her body was chopped into three parts. The murderer dispose her head , legs and arms next to orchard mrt station. Five hours later , her body was found near some reservoir. Why the murderer was so... cang ren ?? gosh.
The tales of two sisters is showing on channel u. well think im gonna watch it. Guess thats all the update for today . tata !
12:47 AM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
AstrologicaL sIgn -$BlogItemTitle$>
There isnt much to blog today. So i guess i'll . . . . . .
My horoscope forThursday, September 8, 2005
Magnetism is your middle name, and the moon will intensify this effect for you today. You might baffle an authority figure by showing him or her that there is more than one way of approaching a problem. Use humility to cushion any blows you might apply to fragile egos. Tonight, you might get a surprise invite from a clique you thought you were being frozen out of.
You people beieve in your own horoscope ??
10:53 AM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Another day has past. . .$BlogItemTitle$>
Hmm today is Andi's birthday. Well so here im wishing him happy 17th birthday !!
Today I woke up at 630am. damn early because classes starts at 8pm. I thought I was late as I left my house at 750am. Fortunately when I reached the bus-stop , the bus just arrived. Haha. so I reached school at 805am. So theres a benefit living near the school. lolx. The physics teacher is still not there yet. so we're waiting. . .
Instead we went to IT Lab 1 for physics. Hmm thats pretty good because the room was air-conditioned. However during humanities lesson , we have to return to our own class. Humanities class ended at 1015am. Thus peiying and myself went to look for the physics teacher as we have some physics questions to ask before proceeding to the canteen to buy some food to eat. As the telephone was spoilt, thus we had to make our way to look for the physics teacher in the staff rm. We have difficulty finding him as we did not know where he was seated. lolx. Hopefully I found him. When we came out , a secondary 3 boy was making a phone call. He was like come cannot...Then, I told him that the phone was spoilt thus he has to make his way in to look for his teacher. After he came out , he kept thanking me non-stop . lolx. I just smiled back.
Then we went to the art room to do our art work. HOORAY !!! Im almost done with my project work. Today I have finished doing the effect , thus still need to do some touch-up and Im done with it.
Just now have lunch with alvin and yousof at the school canteen. Hmm the fried rice is not delicious at all , even alvin said so. haha.
Later had to make my way to vsit Doctor Han for my dental appointment.
Theres cip tomorrow. I hate it !!!!!!!Anyway ,yesterday the briefing was darn boring :(
Thats all for today update. ciao ~
4:21 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Exhausted !$BlogItemTitle$>
This morning I was a rather good girl. I was helping my mother with the household chores. sweeping ,mopping ,folding clothes, Ironing, washing the dishes. Its a hectic job ^^"
Then study my physics before coming online. Jasmine asked to try out the bungy ride. Chill man !!! HEy gerl , Im freaking scared. I can scream until the whole world hears it !!!
There will be a briefing later at 4pm. Kinda pissed off man ! My schedule for this week is fully packed ~
6/9- attend briefing at wdlands regional lib at 4pm
-tution 1900-2200
7/9- attend school for extra classes (0845 -1215)
8/9-serve CIP (1330 -1630)
-tution 1900- 2200
9/9- meet jas at clarke Quay
10/9-shopping with mom
11/9-Attending The cuz wedding
11:59 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005
Prison officer ?!$BlogItemTitle$>
Are you interested to become a prison officer . . . Im thinking of becoming one...Http:// ''To you, he is a criminal. To us, he is a human being. A person who did wrong but is fully capable of changing for the better. Here at the Prisons Department, we are firmly committed not just to being custodians of our inmates but also to help them back on their feet. We believe that they too can become productive members of society.
An inmate's journey to recovery begins the moment he comes under our care. Under a rigorous regime that encompasses the Housing Unit Management System, integrated incare, education in our Prison School and co-ordinated aftercare, we help him find self-worth, meaning and morality in his life. It is a customised rehabilitation route that caters to the individual's psychological, social, emotional and physical needs to ensure his fullest re-integration into society. ''
11:34 AM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
JJ ROX ~$BlogItemTitle$>
I love listening to his songs. Hmm right now im listening. keke.
This morning woke up at eight. No school. Then wanna did homework and realised that I had left my E-file in class. Cos yesterday changed seat with andi. Then forgot my file. wth. I called the school clerk and asked whether im able to return school to collect it.She told me to collect it on monday ~ Haissh... ! Most probably I'll collect it on wednesday because theres class on wed.
My neighbour dog is darn naughty!! ^ ^''
Just now went to admiralty with Andy. We had lunch dere. He likes to waste his money on unnessesary things. Afta lunch , he went to buy some cards which costed seven bucks. He has a collection of wrestling cards. haha. Ijust find it a waste of money lox. Heeeyyyy , can u think twice before spending your $$ on such things. lolx.
I just chatted with this anonymous dude. Anyway this gerl seems crazy!!!!!!!!. . . ? lolx. She claimed shes my ex, bf. Is she a les ? Hmm , so who the hell is she ?!
Im Aaron carter rox ~
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
Aaron Carter rox~ says:
ure ? Rachel ??
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
i love u
uLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
whoze dat..? i m yr ex here
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
i m yr boyfren here
Aaron Carter rox~ says:
seriously i don noe u !
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
gurl i love u
Aaron Carter rox~ says:
haha im not a les.. i lurve guys !!
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
Aaron Carter rox~ says:
ya ?
Aaron Carter rox~ says:
miss me ar ?
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
hahaha hehe
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
u my darlin
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
hey darlin
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
draw me a cute bear
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
hey i said i like u sooo uch
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
i love u dearrrrrrr
Aaron Carter rox~ says:
haaa , siao ! Stop calling me all that pls !
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
hey where did u write abt me ?
uLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
hey where did u write abt me ?
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
Aaron Carter rox~ says:
ya.. in my blog !!! scared arh ?
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
where la dear
Aaron Carter rox~ says:
uLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
Aaron Carter rox~ says:
yess ?
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
where la dear
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
hey darlin
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
hw.. wat will u do huh
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
tink i scared huh
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
tell mi la
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
wch webite u nw at ?
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
D A R L I N G.....
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
PuLiKuTtY GuRL...AsHLeY...BiLa BiLa InDiAnZ 4EvA... says:
The next stalker in my life ??
Hmm so far thats the update for today . She has already offline.
p/s: If ure reading this now.. , im not a homosexual :)
4:56 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005
Rain Rain Go Away ~$BlogItemTitle$>
Zihui and I were walking home just now when I remembered this song which i sang wheneva it rained , when i was a little ger. lolx. The weather was darn cool . Im lovin it ~
This morning back to school again and realised that today was the last day of term three. Hooray !! Erm but during the sept hol , stil must go and serve my CIP which is at the wdlands regional library. wth. Tuesday was the briefing ~
Nothing much really happened today. Hmm just that our class was detained during recess today. We cant go for recess because our class was the last one to settle down. ^^'' Anyway , we did skipping for healthy Lifestyle today.
Well lets tok abt the superstar. keke. Erm kelvin won ! Though i support kelly but it dosent matter anyway. Both are talented and I enjoy their singing:) The sister is buying the ticket for the superstar concert. Too bad I cant watch coz im preparing for d exams.
Tonight gng to cwp afta my tution. lolx. basically thats all dude ~ tata !
1:50 PM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Happy Teacher's Day !$BlogItemTitle$>
Today is simply a great day for all mainly those in the teaching profession. For the teachers , they get to celebrate on this special day. As for the students, they did not ve school. Thus they can have a break for a day. lolx.Anyway i wanna wish all my teacher's Happy teacher's day. May they enjoy teaching for many years to come. Being a teacher is not easy. I guess , its a really noble proffession. My teachers did made a difference in my life. esp my maths ,science n humanities teacher. They did not give up on us. Instead , they encouraged us to do our very best.Well lets move on to wat've happened ytd. We reached school in the morning and and realised that we need to do healthy lifestyle. lolx. I did not wear my PE shorts , thus it was an excuse. So basically just do some warm-ups. Afta that we headed back to class. The announcement was made thus everyone just came out of their class to view a netball match. Teachers VS students. cool rite ?! Guess who won ??? The answer was students lah. cos most of the students were netballers. We proceeded to the hall for the performance. I liked the songs which muhammud and arshad sang. Haha. they composed the songs themselves. cool man ~ The performance lasted for two hrs or so. I went to the staff room to wish the teachers. Ms lim, mdm ho ,mr sani , mdm oh , mrs ho , mdm liao. Haha I hugged all of them except for mr sani. *warm hugs*. so good sia. the teachers went on cruise- highh tea~ lolx.Most of the ex riversidians oso came back to visit their teachers!My humanities teacher, Ms lim told me "xueli .. nxt year u must come back to visit us . must feel proud like the ex riversidians. '' Then i told her , dont worry .. i'll be back ~The four of us then headed to cwp to have lunch. Later may be heading to lot 1 with my buddy. wanna buy some stuffs and pierce my ears. lolx.Well basically thats all. shall update here tmr k. tata v
9:41 AM