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i know it's supposed to be: it's never too late to apologize, so don't try to be a smarty-ass by correcting me.

This is my blog so Click here if you HATE ME.
and FUCK off! (:



B&J ice-cream.brownies.
marsh-mallows fondue.
fruit tarts.amos-cookies.
Gucci/J.Lo.perfumes.♥outdoor-sports.beach volleyball. tennis.sun-tanning.scorching sun.
visitng her uncle in UK
AND not-forgetting;♥HUNTING-for-foods


Ru Guo De Shi - Angela Chang

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

My horoscope

You'll pick up where you left off before the long weekend, putting your efforts into a new social connection or a project that requires creativity. Mars and the moon will make sure you have access to all your talents. A surprise invitation from a guy might catch you off guard, but that's no reason to say anything but yes!

I started to fall in love wit this color. haha. luv green , jus couldnt help it ~
3:45 PM
Monday, May 30, 2005

O level exam~~~~~

This morning was woken up by mother at 5.45am. Im so nervous sia. keke..meet jieying and arrived school at 730 am sharp. We headed straight to the hall and checked our index number and the sitting arrangement. The paper started at 830 to 1030 for paper 1 and 11 to 1230 for paper 2. . .wat really surprised me was that there were so many invigilators as compared to last yr..hERE iT GoES. . .

The paper was alright, able to do and completed it on time except that the comprehension part. some part I dont really get wad the qus wants ! A cousin also took the same paper. I wonder how he did ?!Anyway its over, no use brooding over what had already been done. Niwae i did tried my best already :) There is still 2 other battles to go. . . the listening compre & oral exam.

Tomorrow still must go back to school to attend the extra classes . Haish. why cant they
give us a break?! *arrrghhhh*

gtg............cya .................tata~

1:48 PM
Saturday, May 28, 2005

Scorpion~ 28.5.05,sat

Your thoughts will be focused on intimacy today. Have an important talk with your guy,
or arrange a quiet night with a friend you really trust. For you, superficial relationships are never enough. You want to understand the people you care about, and talking to them will
help you understand yourself, too.


The parent meeting session in school. Ard 4 plus, mum and myself headed to school to
collect my report book. The teacher had a good chat with her :) At seven headed to
yew tee for tution. darn exhausted ^ ^'' The food had finally arrived which we had
placed our order last week. All i can say was that the food was totally not tasty at all :s

This coming monday is my mt paper. . .

Nothing great seemed to happen today. Just chiiong to study all the mt notes . I will
update more on the o level mt paper on mon. tata~
11:42 AM
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Life as a student~

5 days to mt o level...

School was darn boring for this week. Whole of this week was mock exam.
We had mock exam for paper 1& 2. Can u believe we're in the AVA rm for almost 6 hrs or so and most of us are shivering like hell. We did wear our sweaters yet we could feel the coldness. haish. i wonder how those peeps can tahan without wearing their sweaters. keke. nvm.

I really pity my chinese teacher. Everyday look at her and get to see that she did put in alot of hard work and did prepare us for our os. She told us that her eyesight got problem and can go blind. What i did admire about her is that she could finish marking 61 exam scripts within an hour. can u believe it ?! Just hope that her hard work had be paid off in august when we received our mt result in august. Im darn scared. ^^''

Well gotta go now. tata~

5:44 PM
Monday, May 23, 2005

It had been centuries since i last updated my blog. so now im blogging to tell you that my blog wasnt dead yet. keke.

Things had been great over the past few days. This was mainly because a friend had came over my house on saturday. She intended to come to my house to study yet we end up chatting instead. However we did study. We studied chinese together and it turned out that im the tutor. keke. we went online for a while and chatted with a few friends.

As it was dad birthday on saturday, the friend myself and brother headed to the nearby bakery shop to purchase a cake for dad. It was my idea. Thus we bought a fruit cake. yum~ We celebrated together and dad was indeed touch by this small gesture. The friend was there as well and she did eat the cake. We chatted till 10 that night and sent her home.

The next day was on sunday which was on vesak day (yesterday). I went to her house in the afternoon. We studied again . This time we really studied and understand the concept well. She gave me my birthday present . a very cute puppy(soft toy). thanks worz~ so long le still gave. haha.
Ytd stayed till 8pm and headed to cwp mac to find her friend ~hx. keke. cos she wanted to pay him back the $$ as he treated her to swensen on saturday. Task was accomplished and we headed to horizon food mall to have our dinner. Ate my favourite carona chicken rice. yummylicious~ we roamed around cwp . i wanted to buy a present for ainul as her birthday was coming. managed to buy. so yea. Almost all the shops were closed and we headed back home.

There isnt any school today. yea. Life will be stressful from this week onwards. haish. tues to friday will be mock exam. Friday will be the parent session meeting. I wonder what the teacher will said to my mom. Just prayed hard and hope that i done well for os mt.

Till then , tata~
12:15 PM
Thursday, May 19, 2005

HEllo ~
11:46 PM
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Im exhausted.

Today had been one tiring day for me. Today we did the 2.4 run. hopefully im able to pass =) For girls, the passing score was minimum 18 mins. Thus my timing was 17.38 mins as compared to last yr 16.56 mins.

The probability of the class who did not turn up today was 8/31.
Today sat wit sof and ainul for one whole day. keke. pretty interesting & fun. we're tokking non-stop.

Eunice was great . She learnt driving today. cool man. She was sharing wit me her story about her driving lesson. The driving instructor had this kind of pervertic look. keke. Then ,a car from behind almost hit her car. Thanks god it didnt happened. She said that driving was fun but the fees was quite expensive too. I have this urge of learning driving now. However ,must wait for about 2 more years or so =( we shall c. till then , i'll blog till here.

Im sleeping now. tmr got school ~ tata !
11:48 PM
Sunday, May 15, 2005

Meaningful poem

It is hard to say you are okay
In the midst of hurt and strife
You seek and find & preserve
Through every stage of life

You wonder what the future holds
How successful you will be
But u often fail to tell yourself
 I believe in me

You seek to find acceptance
You conform to their new ways
You lose hold of all your values
And slowly drift astray

Your passion soon becomes
Something hard to see
Again you fail to tell yourself
 I believe in me 


10:26 AM
Saturday, May 14, 2005

Another day had past ~

Friday 13 may 2005 ~

School was great ytd. we started off wit the endurance run. howeva most of us walk instead. one reason was probably because we didnt want to stink and sweat like hell as we had to catch a movie later on. Had english lesson afta the run. The teacher issued us the movie ticket. The announcement was made and most of us made our way to causeway point.

Most of us did enjoyed the show. Durin the show we four sat together and we munched on potato chips , popcorn sweets and m&m chocolates. So the day before on thurs , i went to a shop to buy some chips, so that durin the show we had something to eat. =)

The show lasted for abt two and a half hrs. we intend to take neoprint together. howeva the neoprint shop was crowded. so we just roamed around the shopping centre and headed back about half and hour later. Therefore ,we went to metro.

Saturday 14 may 2005~

I woke up at 11 am this morning. so late wor. could be mainly because i did not have enough sleep over the past few days. There wasnt anyone at home so i was feeling sort of bored and lonely. washed up and ate some tuna-bread before reading the newspaper to kill my boredom.
Headed to my room and started revising my chinese. i still rem what the chinese teacher once said to me. last wk the chinese teacher told us that we had 20 days left to o level chinese. Today i counted and it was only 16 days left. Im getting nervous as the day get nearer. gosh~ The chinese teacher expectation was high. she wanted everyone of us to score distinction. If we did not meet her target , we will need to continue to attend chinese lesson. wth . The most i can get is only a B3 bah. tink so. *shrugs*.

Life as a student can be darn stressful . Howeva we had no choice but to make the best out of it.
I shall blog till here. im tired. Gng to have my sleep now. tata !
10:32 PM
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The common test was finally over. can finally heave a sigh of relief :)

The PE teacher wasnt in school today. so there isnt any PE lesson. Thus we remained in class and was chatting till recess. The class went down for recess even though the bell had not ring yet. so we were just putting on a brave front and secretly went down to the canteen , hopin that we will not get caught. lol. we were fortunate this time. keke.

After recess was ms lim period. We were just copying down notes which she flashed using the visualiser. so we were just copying , syerri and i feel like sleeping. lol. hopefully we didnt sleep. Idah kept me awake by talking to me. Thus we four were playing together at the same time. lol. The teacher also talked about the nine layered kueh[ jiu ceng gao] .haha. then idah and myself suddenly feel the urge of eating it cos' its been centuries sinc we last ate. lol.

There isnt any cca for me today. so school was dismissed at 1215pm. cool. went home wit idah and ainul. We accompanied ainul to the bus stop and we headed to cwp- bengawan solo to buy the kueh. keke. At the same time i was roaming around to see what present to buy for dad's birthday cos his birthday is on nxt thurs. Many people birthday falls on may. tmr is amzar birthday and friday will be sinli's birthday. so happy advanced birthday to u 2oooo !!

The whole school will be heading to cathay-cwp to watch 'coach carter' this friday at 1030 am .
It was a 2 hrs show. Anyway it was the school treat so i will be going. so will be looking forward to friday. Till then , i will blog till here :)
Thats all for 2day~ tata !
3:27 PM
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

It rained today. Im feeling cold now. xueli was sick today - flu and sore-throat =(

School was usual as before. However there was a visitor who came to our school. She was none other than canberra sec sch: vp ~ Mrs jacqinta Lim. A very cheerful lady~ She was sort of smiling throughout =) so yea. Jasmine , u should know who she is right ?!

Maths test was alright and I did have confidence that i did better than than the previous test.^ ^
However during maths lesson , ms chitra came into our class. I did not know exactly what she told the other half of the class [basically those who are not interested in maths] but after all i know that someone suggested a change of a new maths teacher mainly because of her temper ?! guess so. However, Im not too sure .They did write a letter and sign for those who agreed to it. well, no comments made ~

Mdm mathews was not in school today because her adorable son fall sick =( so we had already miss two days of english already~ Think we're really lacking behind as compared to others ?!
so during english lesson, the class was pretty rowdy. alvin almos cried thanks to what whye kitt had done to him. lol. He kicked his............and he screamed pain sia...=x

After school headed back home with idah as we board the same bus. We board bus service 911 to wodlands interchange and change to bus service 169 as it was raining. I did not carry an umbrella with me .haha. serve me right =X. intially wanted to go home wit peiying , but
she did not want to go to interchange to change bus. she thought it was a hassle. so nevermind~ headed straight to old chang kee and she blanja me wor. Izit the correct spelling forblangja [a treat in malay] ? niwae it wss so sweet of her ^ ^ ! I saw xinyuan at the interchange just when my bus came. so there isnt any chance for me to say HI to him. so if ure readin this now , i wana say HELLO !! lol. I know what u wana say to me now. The six letter word right ?! keke.

Yea. tmr is my last paper. chemistry. afta that there was PE lesson. I just love PE cos we can go to gym and do some workout. so was waiting for tmr to come ~

Till then i shall end off. tata !
5:07 PM
Monday, May 09, 2005

Today was a typical school day for me. first period was physics test. I thought this time round i could do better because i did really study hard for it and did most of the qus in tys. yet in the end , it was a real great dissappointment. haish~ mr sani was going through the answer on the powerpoint slide ,and i realised that the MCQ i got four wrong already. so its 6/10. bad. real disappointing man ! MCQ is those kind of basic qus and should score full marks wah. Haish. anyway its over and theres nothing u can do. so i just hope that i can pass my physics paper.

I will be sitting for my mt o level paper on 30 may 2005. counting from today, it will be about 21 more days to go. 168 days to science practical and lastly 178 days to o level written paper. Time reallies flies ! Think my dream of getting into innova jc is shattered~ just look at my sucking result, this kind of result will bring me nowhere. ^ ^''

I must say that im easily affected by my result. If i really did badly, i will be upset for the whole day~ What i mean was u did studied so much and yet in the end this is what u get ! worth it?Just hope i can give my best shot for tomorrow maths paper :s !

Yesterday news was a big issue for me. A FLASHER did appeared in hougang. can u believe it man ?! Omg~ disgusting man. like the story i talked abt blangdesh~ How can they did these kind of shallow act in public. They really bring big disgrace to their family. =x

Thats all for 2dae~ tata...
5:51 PM
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Happy Mother's Day !!

Today is Mother's Day. wishing all mothers in the world happy mother's day =)

This is for my mama~
Dearest mum , a zillion thanks to you for showing us care n concern throughout these years. U are a wonderful mother. Hope that u will enjoy this wonderful day !
Mum , we love u ~
4:01 PM
Fun stuffs -Horoscopes

SCORPIO~ my horoscope

If you've been confused about whether to get involved in a big romance, things could start to make sense now. The new moon will make you more open to one-on-one relationships of all kinds, so even if you're single, you could reconnect with someone that will soon play an important role in your life.


Today's new moon will give you a chance to explore bigger possibilities than you've considered before. Can you find a way to finance a big trip, or make time to learn a whole new skill, like how to play guitar? The energy surge you feel now will help convince you that almost anything is within your grasp.

My horoscope is scorpio. Thus have u ever wonder why i also post a virgo horoscope ?!
The answer is simple. Its is for my dearie frenz jas~ Horoscope is something u must read and reflect at the end of the day. howeva sometimes i do find it true ! so we shall c.

There is more to read... scroll down ~


The New moon in Taurus makes it a great day for shopping. You might use it as an excuse to spend time with Mom. Even if you're out looking for something new, make a resolution to value what you already have and remember those who helped you get them.

TAURUS ~ dad horoscope !

Your day will be exciting, as the New moon in your sign inspires you to change your look for spring. Redo your hair color, or give yourself a brightly colored pedicure. Wear something that will show off the change tonight--an Aries will love it!


Pride in where you came from will dominate your thoughts today. You may express these feelings at a public performance or gathering, and you'll get tons of support in return. The new moon will put new focus on your goals, and you might get a second chance at a scholarship or award that you thought you'd missed out on.

LIBRA ~ mom horoscope !

Mother's Day will help you reconnect with your family, even if there's been tension at home lately. Quality time may have been hard to come by lately, but you'll seek it out now. Put extra effort into all your close relationships, and you'll see results.


Celebrate Mother's Day by taking time out to spend with your family, whether you do something special or just make yourself available at home. Today's new moon will raise your health consciousness, too.


Indulge your playful side today at a social event. The new moon will encourage you to go out of your way to forget about school and relax--you'll have plenty of time tonight to take care of your responsibilities. If you're single, you could meet someone soon.


Today's new moon brings you an opportunity to improve your relationships with your family members. Have a long, relaxing lunch with your parents, or offer to clear your schedule to do whatever they want to do.


You might be excited about a formal event, like a wedding or another family celebration. If you can afford it, splurge on your outfit or a new accessory. Tonight, you could strategize about how to cross paths with an attractive guy who lives in your neighborhood.


Today, show your family extra love and appreciation. You might attend a large gathering of relatives, and want to prove how much more mature you're becoming. The new moon will also encourage you to get out and about more and build up your social life.


A new moon will inspire you to find more time to develop your ideas. Work on your poetry or another creative project you're always too busy to get to. You'll have more fun expressing yourself and accomplishing something today than hanging out with friends.

10:30 AM
Saturday, May 07, 2005

Whee~ Firstly,wana thank jasmine for her help ~ creation of this blog .realli thx ya so much =) So this will be my first update. so do feel free to tag on my tagboard okies ?! I can finally say goodbye to my friendster blog. So from today onwards, i will write everything here !

I am pretty busy for the past few days. Studying for my tests n stuffs. This morning managed to complete my physics revision . After dinner, I was revising for maths till 8pm. I still left with my chemistry. Tomorrow will revise for chem .
Then i come online to chat with my msn friends. Thats my daily routine. keke. I was chatting in msn with a friend and he was telling me a funny story that happened this aftanoon. Guess what ?! He told me that today he went to admiralty and saw a blangadesh molesting a girl. wth. don they know the consequences if they were caught red-handed ? All i wanted to say to em' is they are damn disgusting. How dare they do this in daylight n in public somemore. Later on the girl boyfriend told the man to wait while he called passerby to help. The blangadesh ran off immediately. They did such shallow act and still dare to run away.

Enough abt those blangladesh.

Yesterday initially wanted to go yew tee pasar malam afta tution with peiling. we went there at ten and realised that there was no pasar malam. Thurs was the last day. Lol. so nvm. we board a train and alighted at woodlands. I haven had my dinner so both of us headed to cwp mac.
She wanted to give me a treat cos' she was awarded her $1200 scholarship. Congrats wor pl ~
We went dere and saw her friend who was working dere. Three of us was chatting .
He was sort of skiving cos he was a floor manager. lol.

Well basicali thts all ~ tata !
11:40 PM